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This is old please be aware that this is a cringe warning. -S

Gender swap Au
Adrien- aphmau
Alyssa- aaron
Michael- Melissa
Logan- Lucinda
Garnet- Garroth
Janessa- Vylad
Zana- Zane

Adrien's Pov

PAX East
Day one
8:45 A.M

I get another text from FC, she said she's right here in the food court. She's been telling me to look for red wolf ears, it's part of her cosplay. I'm dressed as Stan from South Park, I think her costume is based off of her oc. I groan when I still don't see her, she's supposed to be close to my height. (Shush Adrien is tall in dis. And they video call Alot. They call each other FC and Shu)

This will be our first time meeting each other in person. Though sadly I don't know her real name. "Alyssa calm down! He's here somewhere, chill out!" I hear from behind me, I turn to see the thing I've been looking for. I walk closer to the two, "are you two lovely people lost?" "Yes actually my sister here is trying to find her friend." A brunette guy huffs, wearing a pair of brown wolf ears and a matching tail.

The girl with the red ears finally turns to face me, she gasps and tackles me. "Hey FC" I greet as I hug back, slightly lifting her up. She has a red jacket on, red and black ears that match her tail, white crop top, and black shorts on.

"Hiya Shu" she finally says after we break the hug. "You must be Micheal, I'm Adrien- her online friend." I hold my hand out to shake to her older brother, he smiles and takes it. "I'm gonna go try to find the person I've been looking for." With that he walks off, and there's silence. Well as much silence there can be at a convention.


"Wanna go find a cheap food stand?" I suggest and she nods, picking up a grey backpack. She hands the bag to me and I'm slightly confused, "that's for you. For when the convention ends and we have to go separate ways again. You said you had one for me to?" I face palm and nod, taking off my blue backpack. "I forgot for a second" she giggles and we make our way to a food stand.

I buy us some Pizza, we go and sit in the floor I think we're close to some other SP people because I hear references that are trying to be Whispers. "How was your drive here?" I ask my old friend, she shrugs. "Micheal talked Alot the whole drive. How many days are you here for again?" She asks taking another bite of her pizza, "three days. The whole convention, it's gonna be weird. I think I'm gonna finally meet Garnet, Janessa, and Zana on the third day. What about you?"

"Today, tomorrow, then first thing in the morning we're packing and driving back." I nod crumpling the paper plate I had, "wanna go find other cosplayers and get pictures?" She asks and I stand up, helping her up. When we go to walk I spot the SP people from earlier. There's a Cartman, Kenny, Kyle, Tweek, and Craig. The Kyle gasps and points to me, I point at myself and look around. They nod and gesture for us to walk over.

"Hiiiiiiii we love your cosplay, can we all get a group picture?" The Cartman asks and I look back to Alyssa, she nods and one of them gives up a phone to take the pictures. She does and hands it back to them, "can I have your number so I can send you the pictures?" The Kenny asks, I nod and enter my number in their phone. We walk away and Alyssa starts laughing, "who knew Kenny has the hots for Stan?" I look at her very confused, "what do you mean?"

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