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This is cute ig. -S

Pt 2 <3
Garroth and laur get to hash out what they feel from previous chapter!
Anddddd some other stuff

It's been a while since I came back to Phoenix Drop, I decided to stay and live with the blonde werewolf. It seemed like he needed the company more than he would let on. Zane has visited, but while Garroth is asleep or out of the house. The little brother is terrified of Garroth and feels guilty for it. He knows what happened, he just can't wrap his head around it I guess?

"Laur I'm home!" The blonde calls from the front door, I yell a greeting back and continue to cook. I go out and work when I'm needed, but mostly I stay at home and work. "It smells delicious! Did Zane or Nana stop by today?" He asks, hovering behind my shoulder. I shake my head, "not today. You did get some mail though." His arms reach around me from behind, sort of surprising me.

Although it's new for the blonde to be affectionate this way, I can't help but like it. I feel the wind from his breath on my neck as I continue stirring. "Laur can we cuddle tonight...?" His deep voice wakes me up from my daydream. I nod, "having a hard time sleeping again Gar?" I ask him but he only pulls away.

"I- yeah- I haven't been sleeping the best for the past few nights." I roll my eyes at him, "what did I tell you? Get me if you can't sleep!" He sighs and shakes his head staying quiet. "In any case, dinner should be done! Get you a plate and eat!" I see him nod from the corner of my eye. He's quieter than usual and it worries me.

We eat and do our routines for bed, he's wrapped in his blankets when I come into his room. He's holding the blankets open for me, I can't help but smile. "You excited blondie?" He nods and I notice his tail picks up the pace on its swaying. I crawl into bed and he wraps his arms around me, which is a change. After we get comfortable, he chuckles.

"What's so funny..?" I ask my lips just barely grazing his neck. "What... have we been- we're cuddling in my bed." I can feel his heartbeat, it's far from steady as he speaks. "Irene am I appreciative.... I'm just- confused." I pull away from him and stare in the general direction of his face. "If I'm being honest I haven't- thought too much on- us. This. It's nice." He pulls me back into is grasp and huffs. "Will... you sleep here with me- for as long as you want?" He asks and I nod into his neck, the heat that comes off of him now encases me.

"I don't mind laying in your arms..." I tell him and we fall silent. I snake a hand free and tangle it in his curls, they've always been soft. Slowly I start to hear his soft snores, it makes my eyes grow heavy.


"Garroth! Are you still asleep? I'm coming in!" I hear just barely, still tangled in the blonde's arms. The bedroom door opens and Aphmau stands there. I wave my hand and slowly sit up, trying not to wake him. She seems surprised to see me in his bed, "he hasn't been sleeping well.. be quiet." I whisper to her and she nods, "just tell him to come talk to me. It's about- Starlight." She says and leaves as quickly as she appeared. I look at the sleeping blonde, light freckles decorate his cheeks.

His eyelashes curl ever so slightly, they're longer than mine. His pink lips are parted and I can see his new fangs, they look sharp. Before I realize his arm sneaks around my waist and he pulls me back down to him. "It's not polite to stare.." a smile consumes his sleep ridden features. "How can I not stare at The Garroth Ro'meave? His looks have been heard of throughout all of the cities." I joke and he shakes his head, finally opening his ocean eyes. He makes us roll, the werewolf now on top of me.

"You are playing a very dangerous game here Laur.." he smirks above me and I feel my body flush. He leans down and leaves a small peck on my forehead. He just kissed me. Am I okay with that? It was small and it made me... I feel good. "Now, I have to go see Aph?" He asks and sits beside me. "Y- yeah! She wants to- talk about starlight." His smile drops immediately, "did she say what about?" I shake my head and he sighs.

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