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PDH and MYSTREET? kinda?- S

I'm not sure how I really got myself into this mess.

Falling in love with someone shouldn't have been like this.

At first, we sat by one another in class. He was loud, the class clown. A close second to my own antics, yet he always seemed to get away with it.

He got caught with Stacy Miller in the girl's bathroom yet he was un-touchable. After all the blonde boy's father did pay for the school's brand new gym. He was truly a god among the boys in this school.

I'd start off my day with his banter, loud laughter that would interrupt class. I only wanted to hear more of it. His laugh is a golden chime and it is infectious. The way people are always drawn to him, it's truly an amazing gift. He lights up the room, and more irritatingly occupies my thoughts.

At first we were classmates, then we grew to be friends. A lot of what I did in high school, I did because he'd be there too. Pitiful, right? Pining after the most oblivious, straight man I have ever known. When he fell for Aphmau, it was all the more hard.
Our sleepovers would turn into lectures about everything she did and how she was perfect.

It was only after we had grown the closest I have with anyone, we drifted. A drunken party dare. Kiss your best friend. Just a peck. No amount of alcohol would of prepared me for what he did. Instead of taking a chance to kiss the ravenette, he turns to me.

We didn't talk about it after it happened. When Dante or Travis would bring it up he'd shrug it off and change conversation. It only made things more difficult for me.

More classes would be consumed by the thought of him, while he fawned over her. Eventually our sleepovers did take a change, instead of us sleeping at his he wanted to sleep at our home. I couldn't tell if he was going to attempt to make a move on Cadenza or just really didn't want to stay at home.

"Are you trying to bed my sister or something?" I had asked him. His face burned a bright red but he immediately shook his head. "N- Nothing like that Laurence!" Garroth rarely stuttered, only when he's been caught off guard. It was easy to tell if he was telling the truth or not most days, others he was indecipherable.

There was a day where he and Travis ran the halls with Dante and I in tow. We were sneaky and careful to avoid teachers. We left the grounds out by the soccer field and didn't return. Travis invited us to his house because his dad is never home. We called our parent and it was deemed a sleepover at Travis'.

For most of the night we played video games, until they got boring. "Want to do a truth or dare?" Dante asked our small group and I knew that we were in for it. "Truth or drink!" Travis counters, motioning to his father's overflowing alcohol cabinet.

They liked that more.

Now, here I am my second drink in, and in the bathroom. The firey liquid burns in my stomach and everything feels lighter, except for my thoughts of him. They seem to flourish at the worst times, those pesky thoughts.

I flush the toilet I was pretending to use and make my way back into the living room. The other three are camped out on their blankets and pillows, chatting about something.

"You're back! You gonna keep going?" Dante questions, popping a dark eyebrow up. I nod and roll my eyes, "you can't get me that easily!" Travis laughs and takes his turn, keeping ample time choosing his victim.

"Fine then Laurence! Who was your first kiss?" I feel a fire ignite in my face and I can see the blonde staring at me out of the corner of my eye. I give Travis a soft glare and take a drink of the burning brown booze in-front of me. "It was totally that Michi girl right?!" Dante pesters and I shrug him off. "I drank I don't have to answer!" Garroth playfully boos my statement and smiles.

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