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Give me some likes if you want to read the beginning of this story! I Cut NSFW bc idk if ppl wanna read that🫡🫶

"What... does this mean for us?" I ask as I drape myself on him, both of us now covered in sweat.   "We've been together for more than fifteen years, just as friends. I don't think I can- go back to -" Garroth sputters and I nod. I kiss him again, drooling over his soft lips.

"Good morning?" Garroth says and I chuckle, "good morning love." We kiss more and he ends up getting carried away, leaving small marks on my neck.

We get ready for the day, the big werewolf insisting we eat breakfast even though it is now mid afternoon. "Are we going to- tell anyone?" I ask and look out the windows of our home. "I think everyone... has a lot on their plates. Although we may want to let Zane know-" Garroth says and I nod.

"If they notice- they notice." I say and he gives me a not in return. The front door opens and the raven haired Ro'Meave comes through it. "You two are up... early?" He mentions and pulls his mask down. After the events of starlight, he's not been to worried about his face around us.

"I have something I want to tell you baby brother." Garroth says and I notice his ears lower. The raven sets his bag down on the table and gives his full attention to the other. "Is everything okay Seven?" I know how much it hurts the blonde when he remembers Zane doesn't know his name.  "Laurence and I- are- together now." Ice blue eyes look between us and he nods. "And? I've known this for a while. I was worried you were going to mention-" Garroth shakes his head.

I can't help but to laugh, "we've been together for forever Gar! It's so funny!" I tell him and he joins my laughter. "Now I'm going to get ready to see Four. Six wanted to see the both of you actually, just seen her at the mailbox."

After we eat we get dressed and head over to Aphmau's. She's been depressed recently, not able to see Aaron, everything that happened to them? Travis? Garroth bursts through the door and I immediately hear music playing in the kitchen. "Aph? Zane said you wanted us?" I call and something clanks in the kitchen. We take off our shoes and join the small woman in the kitchen. We find her stirring pots and running around the island. "Boys! I'm making dinner for everyone on the street! I- I just wanted to do something nice!" She says and I take a seat in-front of her mess. "Do you need any help? I can-" she shakes her head frantically and I notice the bags under her eyes.

"I want to do this! I just need you guys to spread the word that dinner is at my plac- are those hickeys? Laurance!!" She squeals and drops a spoon on the counter. A nervous laugh escapes me and she smiles, "who's the lucky person?" She asks and Garroth shifts beside me, that makes her turn to him.

"Have you gotten to meet the- oh- OH- AAAAH!!!" Her realization is slowly making her louder, "I KNEW IT! I knew- for how long?" She asks and I look to the blonde, who's hand is now on my knee.
"Officially as of today. But I'm realizing that it's been a bit longer than that." Garroth's blush is light and it makes my mind wander to this morning.

"I am so happy for you two! Now- go get Kim and Nana and Zane! Dante and Vlyad too will ya? Anyone else is welcome to join but! Everything should be done by seven!" She shoos us to the living room. "I think your incident is going to cause issues with our plan of keeping it off everyone's plate." I say and rub my neck, remembering the indentations from his teeth in my shoulder. He bit the shoulder I dreamed of and I- yeah.

Once we step onto the porch he pushes me against the brick wall. "Your dirty talk may work in the bedroom but everyone can see that you're mine Laur." He leans in, his warm breath on my ear. "Don't pretend you didn't have a part in that either love."

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