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(Y/N)'s POV in January X784
I sigh as I walk into the guild hall, getting ready for everyone's reactions. As I walk over to the bar, Natsu runs towards me with a big grin. "Hey (Y/N)! Let's fight!" He shouted as his hand catches on fire. Before he could hit me, I glare him which makes him freeze.

Everyone stops talking, probably feeling me glaring at Natsu. "I'm busy right now so I can't." I told him with a agitated smile. He backed down and I sighed again, walking to the where Mira is. "I'm leaving for a bit." I said, getting gasps from everyone in the guild.

Mira looked shocked but quickly shook it off. "What made you decide that?" She asked me with a sad smile on her face. I knew this would make her, Erza and especially Cana sad but it'll probably only be for a few months.

I was about to say something but I wasn't able to get a word out before Gray appeared beside me and slammed his fist on the bar. "What do you mean by your 'leaving for a bit'?!" He shouted, making me jump a bit. I wasn't expecting him to act like this or appear beside me.

I looked up at him with a blank face. "I'll probably only be gone for a few months. It's just for training. You don't have to act like I'm leaving the guild." I told him, looking at his pissed off expression. If you told me he'd be this angry, I might've not gone but it's already been decided.

He made a ticked off noise and stormed off without another word. "You made it sound way more dramatic than it really is." Cana said from across the bar, drinking from her barrel. I haven't seen her without a barrel in awhile. Kinda worries me a bit.

I smile at her then laugh a bit. "I'll only be gone for a few months, a year at the most. I can't do this trainings with other people around. You know, because I'm need to focus." I half lied. That's not the main reason I can't have people around for this training.

The master comes over and jumps onto the stool beside me. "Hope to see you back soon." He told me, making my smile grow more.

"I already know I won't be gone for longer than a year. The cards never lie." I told him before showing him the 3 cards I pulled to help me decide if I should go or not. He hums and I get up from the bar then walk to the front doors. "I'll be leaving Magnolia in a few hours. Bye for now everyone." I said before walking out the doors, feeling all eyes on me.

I need to go to my place for my stuff before I leave so that's where I'm going now. When I get there Gray is leaning on my house, seeming to be waiting for me. When I get closer he looks up at me with a sad look on his face.

I walked to him, confused on how he knew I'd be coming here. "You didn't have a suitcase or anything so I thought you might need help or something like that." He told me, as if he was reading my mind. He didn't seem mad anymore which was good.

I smiled at him and hugged him, making him freeze which is funny considering he's an Ice make wizard. I pull away from him and unlock my door. "I appreciate it. It'll be faster with your help." I told him, letting him into my house. He walked in then suddenly stripped. "It might take a little longer if I'm distracted by your hot body." I said with a little laugh. He blushed and quickly got his clothes back on,

He sighed then shook his head. "I hate it when you say stuff like that. It's embarrassing." He told me as he walked to my room with me following behind him.

"But it's so cute seeing your reaction." I said in a whinyish tone which made him blush even more. I love messing with him like this.

He ignored what I said as he got a suitcase from my closet. I also got one then we packing with me instructing him. Not long after, I got everything I needed and I zipped up my last suitcase.

Gray was also done and we plopped onto my bed with grunts. "Do you really need everything in there? How many books do you need if you're training?" He asked me, looking to the side to see me.

"There important for this type of training. I'm teaching myself a new magic." I explained, looking back at him. He looked curious but I wasn't gonna tell him anything. "You'll have to wait for when I'm done to know what it is." I told him before he could even ask.

He looked grumpy and looked away from me. "That's fine. I can wait you." He said, making me laugh at his reaction.

"I love you Gray." I told him and I saw a blush grow on his face. I was excitedly waiting for his response.

"Sure you do." He said before getting up from my bed, seeming angry all of a sudden. I followed him and before I could ask him what was wrong, he had already left my house and slammed the door shut.

I looked at the door sadly, feeling bad for making him angry again. Maybe it's because I said I love him or it's because he realized I'm still leaving or both but I don't have time to wait for his temper to cool down and ask him.

I got my things all sorted and left my house, locking the door. 'Goodbye house. Goodbye Magnolia. Goodbye Fairy Tail. Goodbye Cana... Goodbye Gray.' I thought, a few tears falling from my face. I already miss it. I already miss them. I already miss him.

8 months later
I just finished my training and was now laying down on grass with an uneven breath. The card that says 'Call Cana' started glowing so I activated it, smiling from excitement. Can't wait to hear her voice again. A projection of here appeared, making my smile bigger. "Hey Cana! Wha-" She cut me off before I could even finish speaking.

"It's the guild. Phantom Lord destroyed the guild hall last night." She told me, sadness and anger in her voice. I froze in shock with that shock quickly turning to anger.

I hit the ground beneath me and held onto the grass. "I'm coming back. They're in for a good beating." I told her through clenched teeth as I already started getting up from where I was.

"Not so fast boy. We're not fighting them. They didn't strike when anyone was here so we're not engaging in battle unless they get violent first." Master Makorav said from the other side. He also sounded angry. Angrier than I was. "Although, I do want you to come back. Incase they strike again, we need everyone we can get back here." He told me and I nodded, knowing he could see me.

I got some things back in one of my suitcases and grunted. "I'll be back by tomorrow morning. I promise that. Make sure everyone knows." I told them, ending the call before they said anything else. "If they hurt anyone there will be hell to pay." I said as I went to get everything else I brought with me. It's time to go back to Magnolia.

1267 words

Started: 8/7/23

Finished: 8/7/23

A/N: So it will be a few days until I publish the next chapter because I'm still finishing Fairy Tail. I've only got around 40 episodes left so I'll give it a few days until it's published. The chapters I publish won't be very consistent because school is starting back up from me on Thursday so please be patient with me. Anyway, I hope you have a great morning, day, afternoon or evening, bye!

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