Chapter 17 The book

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A few hours later
I felt someone walk over as I was slowly walking up. Turning my head to the side, I see Laxus. I glare at him as he walks over to me. "It's been a bit since we had a conversation that wasn't us arguing." He said with a halfhearted laugh. I looked in his eyes and saw he held no anger or any of the parts I hated about him. I let out a sigh and sat up with help from him. "Sorry about your condition. It's my fault that you used so much magic energy." He apologized but I just slapped his hand away, still being pissed off at him.

I looked at him with anger and confusion. "What are you doing here? Why are you acting less like an ass now?" I asked him as I looked him directly in the eyes. He didn't look away, not seeming to be afraid of my ability to make his worst fear come to life.

He sighed and shook his head. "I was kicked out of the guild and... I came to apologize." He told me in a sincere tone. I looked at him with shock. This isn't like Laxus.

I raised any eyebrow at him. "What are you apologizing for?" I asked him with my arms crossed as I looked at him with suspicion. I still didn't trust him.

He looked into my eyes and smiled sadly. "I was so focused on power that I forgot the most important thing about Fairy Tail. We're a family. I hurt my family and now, I've been kicked out. I'm sorry for hurting you, Cana and everyone in the guild. You don't have to accept my apology. I understand now that I messed up and it could be too late for your forgiveness. Just know, I'll miss you." He told me with tears falling down his face. He's... crying? I haven't seen him cry in forever. Not since we stopped being friends.

I sighed and groaned in annoyance at myself. "I forgive you, alright? I can forgive you but, I will never forget what you did to the guild. For now, we can only try to be better. I've got issues too. You're not alone in that aspect. So, promise me you won't let power go to your head again. That way, you can earn my trust back." I told him with an encouraging smile.

He chuckled and nodded. "You're not the same kid I knew 5 years ago. You're more mature now. It shocks me. You've been in this guild longer than most of the other members of this generation of the guild. You were a little runt when we first met." He said and laughed again, letting out a sad sigh after. He seems so... genuine now. He's definitely not the same as a few years ago either.

Then, I remembered something. "How did you know I was a descendant of one of the founders of Fairy Tail?" I asked him a question that's been on my mind for a long time. It confused me so much.

He grabbed a book out of his bag. It was... a big scrapbook of a family. I opened it and on the first page was a picture of 4 people. A man that looked around 40 or 50, a woman that looked to be in her 20's, a man who looked to also be in their 20's and a baby in the woman's arms. Above the page said 'Happy 0th birthday Cornelia' with all 3 adults showing off their guild marks. Above it had the year it was taken. "The guy in the back is one of guilds founders. I don't remember his name but, I thought you would want to know." He told me and as he looked at the picture with me.

I sighed and looked up at him from the bed. "Thank you but, I think you might want to get going. Gramps might forcefully throw you out if he learns you're still here." I said jokingly and laughed with him. He nodded and left, waving goodbye to me.

Cana came in right after and looked at me with slight shock. "What were you 2 talking about? What about one of the founders?" She asked me as she sat beside me. I showed her the photo and her eyes widened. "Our great grandfather was one of the founders?" She asked another question, not fully believing it.

I pointed to the man and the woman in the picture. "Those must be our grand parents and the baby must be mom. I also learned it was true because Fried's enchantment originally had a thing that descendants of founders of Fairy Tail couldn't leave. I only left after I used the crush magic to destroy that part." I explained to her which made her even more surprised.

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