Chapter 6 Confession and answer

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A few days later
I sighed heavily as I looked at my drink, stirring it around glumly. Cana suddenly came to my side with a bright smile on her face. Her face turned to confusion when she saw my mood. "What's wrong? Why're you just sitting here and not even drinking your drink?" She asked me as she put her arm around my shoulder, trying to get me to smile but I just shook my head and moved her arm away. "Ok, now I know something's up. You never deny affection from me." She said with a serious yet worried look on her face.

I let my head fall on the table then turn my head to her. "It's Gray. I think he's still mad about what happened before I left. It feels like he's been trying to ignore me for a past few day." I told her as I tried not to sound so hopeless. I mean, it's not the end of the world that he's mad that I said 'I love you' before I left, right?

She rolled her eyes, as if there was something I was missing. "Sometimes I question if you or Gray are denser. You said the 'L' word for the first time before you left. He's not ignoring you because he's mad, he's ignoring you because he doesn't know how to respond to it. He was also mad that you were going on trip for a long time and dealing with him asking about you during that was a bit annoying." She told me, saying the last part with a bit of annoyance in her voice. It sounded right but there's always a chance he actually is mad at me.

I sighed again and saw Gray on the other side of the room. He noticed I was looking at him and he blushed before quickly looking away from me then walking away. "Hmmm. He doesn't look angry, far from it actually. He seems more panicked." I said as I looked at where Gray just stood. I think Cana was right.

"See, he's not angry, he's just shy, a thing I never thought I'd ever say about Gray. He doesn't know how to handle affection so you have to go talk to him. If you keep beating around the bush and neither of you end up confessing, it might be too late when you do decide to confess." She told me as she tried to push me off of my chair to go after Gray.

I stood up and looked down at her before hugging her. "Thank you for helping. I'll try helping you with love next time because you might not be oblivious when people like other people, but you are when you think people like you." I told her before running off, getting yells of encouragement but also curses from calling her out. I ran down the road, trying to track Gray with my telepathy.

I was quick to find him and run in that direction. It didn't take long to catch up to him but I was out of breath. "Woah, (Y/N), are you ok?" He asked me as he put a hand on my shoulder, his voice soft and concerned.

I looked up at him then stood upright after catching my breath. "I wanted to talk to you about something important. I know you'll try to interpret it as something else if I don't say it out right. I've liked you for the longest time and I want to know if's you will go on a date with me. Not a friend date, a romantic date." I said really quickly, getting ready for his reaction.

He froze, his mouth fully open as he tried to process what just happened. When he did, he looked me in the eyes. "How the fuck were you able to say all of that in one breath after running after me?" He asked me, making me look at him with an unimpressed look. "Ok, ok, I get it. Yes (Y/N), I will go on a date with you." He said, laughing a little with a red face. It's so adorable when he's embarrassed.

I laughed with him and after the laughter stopped, we went silent. It was a comfortable silence though. That silence was interrupted by many footsteps coming from behind me. I turn around and see Cana, Erza, Mira and Lucy all running our way holding alcoholic drinks and ice cream.

When they got closer to us, I looked at them with a blank look on my face. They were now standing in front of me and Mira handed me some ice cream. "Let's go (Y/N). Gray doesn't even deserve you if he can't see your the one for him." She told me, a single tear falling from her face. She glared are Gray, making me confused.

I blinked a few times then realized what they all thought happened. I looked at Cana with a death glare. "You're the person who told me to confess to him and you didn't even have faith in me?" I asked her with a bit of anger. She just smiled and giggled nervously.

"Wait, so, did he reject you or not? I need to know if I need to hate his guts now." Mira asked me, confused fully evident in her voice.

I smiled and looked at Gray whose face turned as red as a tomato. "I'll tell you tomorrow. I gotta go home and plan something important." I told her, making her groan out of annoyance for making her wait even longer to know the answer.

Gray let out a sigh of relief before walking away which I understood. Right now both Mira and Erza aren't sure if he said yes and he didn't want to get hurt by them. "You better tell us all tomorrow or you can't buy anything from the bar for a week." Mira told me with a stern look on her face. The thing is, I knew she would so now I have to tell her tomorrow. The guilds food is cheap but it tastes good.

I nodded my head before turning away and walking home, tossing my keys in the air then catching them. "I finally did it. I finally don't need to hide any of my feelings for him." I told myself before getting happy and laughing lightly. "Maybe on the date I should kiss him or at least kiss his cheek? Would it be too early for that?" I asked myself as I continued to walk, the happiest I've ever been in my life. I can't wait until my date with Gray.

1103 words

Started: 10/14/23

Finished: 10/14/23

A/N: So this was a short chapter but I wanted to post it anyway because I was satisfied with the ending. I wasn't planning on having them have a date or anything romantic this early in the book but there was 1 1/2 episodes I skipped over so I decided I needed a few filler chapters, especially because I'm not gonna do much of Loke/Leo's episode since that's mostly Lucy, Loke and flashbacks. Anyway, I hope you have a great morning, day, afternoon or evening, bye!

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