Chapter 15 Fairies from hell

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A few days later
After everything that happened at the Tower of Heaven, we all just decided to enjoy our trip at Akane Resort with the addition of Wally, Sho and Millianna. None of us took it well when we learned Simon was killed so we were trying to distract ourselves from the heartache.

Wally, Sho and Millianna tried to sneak away one night but it was easy to find them out. Erza decided to hold a ceremony we do when members leave the guild and we all helped out in the background as she sent them off.

Now we're back in Magnolia and we learned that Gajeel and Juvia had joined the guild like Ivy did which pissed off almost all of our group... well, mainly about Gajeel joining but we really couldn't do anything about it so we had to accept it.

Aside from that, we're all setting up Fairy Tail's events for the Harvest Festival. I was currently helping set up the stage for the Miss Fairy Tail Contest when I felt a shiver go up my spine. I looked around and saw a tiny doll that looked familiar.

I ignore it as Gray walked over and folded his arms on the stairs then laid his head on his arms before he let out an annoyed sigh. I laughed as I walked over to him and sat on the edge of the stage.

He looked up at me tiredly. "Why does this have to be so tiring, (Y/N)? Why did they even pick me as judge for this competition?" He asked me as he tried to keep his eyes open.

I sighed at him and pulled him up onto the stage with me. "You haven't slept much, have you?" I asked him and he shook his head, confirming my suspicions. "Don't worry, I'll handle things here while you nap. Plus, I don't see Natsu or Elfman helping out with this so you don't need to either." I told him as I caressed his cheek.

He yawned cutely and blushed, looking away from me. "Don't say a word." He said with a grumpy tone which only made him look cuter.

I put my hands up in defense. "I said nothing. You just assumed I would." I told him before I giggled and my smile grew. "Do you want me to teleport you to my house so you can sleep?" I asked him which he immediately gave a nod to. With his agreement, I picked him up and teleported us to my bedroom.

I laid him down in my bed and he almost immediately fell asleep on contact. I kissed his forehead then another shiver went down my spine. "Stop spying on me, assholes." I told them as I grabbed a card then threw it at the little doll hidden in the corner of the room.

After summoning the card back, I walk over to the doll and crush it under my foot. I let out a sigh and picked it up before teleporting back to the stage. I looked at the pace where I saw the last doll and it was still there. So, I threw the broken doll at the other doll glared at it.

The doll looked scared and took the broken doll before leaving. With another sigh, I continued to set up the stage alone because the girls were busy getting ready for the contest and other people are busy with whatever. Anyway, that left everything else to me which I was fine with. It's for my friends and sister so I'd happily do.

The next day
It's now the day. The Miss Fairy Tail Contest! Max was the announcer and I honestly wasn't paying any attention to him. I was in my own head, wondering about the dolls I saw yesterday. Soon, I snapped back to reality when I heard Max say Cana.

I looked at the stage and saw Cana there. She used her cards to make them fly around her and I immediately knew what she was doing. When the cards around her disappeared, she was now in a swimsuit. I laughed and shook my head before cheering her on. "The prize money can cover my tab." She said to the audience and that only made me laugh more. She looked amazing and also looked so confident. It made me happy to know she was having fun.

The next contestant was Juvia who dressed up in a swimsuit like Cana did. I guess they either had the same idea or they're just copying each other. After Juvia was Mira who said she was gonna 'show us a new side of her' which I think most people thought meant she was gonna turn into her she devil form.

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