Chapter 11 Game time

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20 minutes later
I ended up at a dead end which wasn't what I wanted or expected. I guess I should've expected that at sometime if I was running around aimlessly. I had stopped listening earlier since I heard all the details and knew what I was dealing with.

I turned around to start running in another direction when I saw someone walking down the hall. He got closer to us and my blood started to boil when I realized who the man was. "You... you tried to kill Gray." I said as I glared at the man, Simon I think his name was.

"What the hell do you mean?" He asked me with confusion as I walked closer to him. We locked eyes or eyes to eye and I activated my 'Fear Factor' spell. He froze in place when it was activated.

I got closer to him but this felt too easy. When I was about punch him in the face, he grabbed my arm and stopped me. "How did you-" I wasn't able to finish what I was saying when he looked me in the eyes, turning the room dark.

I jumped back from him as I wasn't able to see. 'Listen, I don't want to fight you-' I blocked out his Telepathy before he could finish what he was saying.

"Yeah, like I'm gonna believe you. You kidnapped 2 of my friends, one of them being my best friend, and tried to kill me and my friends. My mind is like a steel trap now. No one can get in unless I want." I told him as I tried to figure out where he was. Damn his magic really sucks!

I heard him grunt and fall to his knees. "What the hell did you do to me? Why am I seeing this?" He asked me with a shaky voice. I sighed out of exhaustion. For some reason, his fear is harder to create an illusion for than anyone else I've made illusions for.

The lights went back on and I looked at him, looking afraid and defenseless. Now, normally I wouldn't attack someone in this position but I feel no remorse for any of the people here. I can't forgive them for hurting Erza, especially if she was once friends with them.

I slowly walked over to Simon with a card in between my fingers. "You hurt them. You hurt the people I care about and now, you'll pay." I told him as I glared at him. "King's Rein!" I shouted, throwing the card at him... but it never hit him. A blade cut the card, making my eyes widen.

Erza was now standing between us, a worried look on her face. "Why did you attack him?!" She shouted at me, making me surprised 'cause I thought that's what we were supposed to be doing.

"He's our enemy! He kidnapped you and Happy and tried to kill Gray!" I shouted back at her with confusion and she sighed, shaking her head in slight disappointment.

"Maybe if you kept listening you'd know what's going on. Jellal had tricked everyone except for Simon. He knew that the Gray he attacked was an ice decoy because he could see in the dark." She explained to me, making me look at Simon and realize I fucked up a bit. Thank gosh she blocked that card 'cause it could've killed him if it hit.

I deactivated Fear Factor and Simon was breathing heavily, clenching his chest. Now that I know he isn't actually our enemy, I kinda feel bed. "Sorry for the misunderstanding... and putting you through your worst fear. But in my defense, you look very menacing with that mask thing and I thought you tried to kill the man I love." I apologized but Erza glared at me for some reason. She probably thought that the last part wasn't necessary.

He got up and sighed in relief. "All is forgiven. Just please, don't do that again." He told me before he coughed and held his chest. I didn't know Fear Factor could hurt someone that much. That's useful to know for the future.

Erza looked relieved that we weren't fighting anymore. Well, more like I wasn't trying to kill him anymore. "It's great we got that settled but we desperately need to find Natsu. If we don't, then he'll end up fighting an innocent person being manipulated by Jellal." She told me and I nodded before I heard a lot of footsteps from down the hall.

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