Chapter 8 Day of miss understandings

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Pre A/N: The photos above is Ivy's design from when she was in phantom lord. I've been trying to perfect it but she will get a redesign after the Tower of Heaven Arch like Juvia did. She'll look a lot different but I know she'll look amazing. Also, shout out to those who had a Gacha Life/Club faze a few years ago. This was made using the recently made Gacha Life 2.

The next morning
I wake up to the feeling of a body pressed against mine, arms wrapped around my torso. I slowly and carefully turn my head to see Gray's face peacefully sleeping. My face heats up when I realize that he's cuddling me but I can't do anything or I'll wake him up.

I quickly look away from his face, feeling very embarrassed by the situation. The worst part is that he put his arms up my shirt and it's almost completely off. 'I didn't know he cuddles in his sleep! Hell, I didn't know he moved in his sleep! Why the hell did I agree to this?!' I thought to myself, silently freaking out about what'll happen if he wakes up.

I heard him hum and he put his head on my shoulder, just making everything worse. I wish Erza, Cana or hell, maybe even Natsu were here to help me. I don't know if I can take more of this for much longer. Suddenly, Gray yawned loudly. I look back at his face to see his eyes slowly opening.

It took him a second to realize after feeling around my chest and when he found out, he immediately let go of me. I sighed a breath of relief that I didn't know I had locked away. "I'm so so so so sorry! I-I didn't mean to end up cuddling with you!... or to feel up your chest. I don't normally sleep with other people in the bed so I didn't know this would happen, I swear!" He rambled as he apologized to me, his face as red as mine.

I laughed nervously as he apologized. "I-it's fine. It's not your fault so you don't have to apologize. It was kinda cute how you snuggled up to me." I told him and he immediately stopped everything to look at me with a blank stare.

"Again with the cute thing? Yeah, no, that's not me. You can try all you want but I'll be cute." He told me before crossing his arms, only proving my point. I mean, look at him! He's adorable when he's in denial!

Suddenly, there's a knock on the front door. "Hey! Big bro! I came to fix the guest room!" Cana shouted at me, making me groan in annoyance before I got up and out of bed.

I walked over to the front door, unlocked it then opened it for Cana. "Can you please leave? I'm a bit busy, remember?" I asked her as I rubbed my eyes tiredly.

Cana looked confused for a second. "Business doing what?" She asked me before Gray came into view, making her eyes bulge out. "Shit, now I know who you're doing." She said before turning around and leaving my property.

She did what I wanted but now I'm left stunned where I was standing. "She thinks we fucked. She's gonna tell Mira, Erza and Lucy and they're gonna think the same thing." I said in shock before I closed the door and groaned out of exhaustion.

I flopped onto the couch after throwing the grass stained blanket somewhere else. Gray sat beside me with an unbothered look on his face. "I don't really care what they think about me. If they think we fucked, we can let them. It'd be funny to watch them tease you about it." He told me, smirking at me afterwards.

I rolled my eyes as shook my head. "If they think we fucked, they'll tease you more than more because you're easier to get a reaction out of. They'll just ask me a lot of questions I won't have the answers to." I told him, smirking back at him and making his smirk fade.

He started blushing a bit and looked down. "I get your point but you can be an ass sometimes." He told me with an adorably angry look on his face. No one can tell me Gray doesn't have just a little bit of tsundere in him.

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