Chapter 12 Blooming sakura's of death

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Many minutes later
I've been trying to catch up to Sho for the longest time but the closer I got to him, the quicker he ran. 'Damn this kid is fast! Where the hell did he get this energy?! How hasn't he tripped on anything yet?!' I thought as I continued to follow him. Right now, I can feel everything from him. His anxieties, his frustration, his heartbreak, I feel it all and I'm close to tears because of it.

Sho suddenly stopped and his fear shot through the roof. I got closer to him and noticed sakura trees in the room around us. "Thank heavens you stopped. I didn't know if I-" I cut myself off when I saw a woman walking our way. Her hair the color of the sakura petals and sandals taller than any high heels I've ever seen. She also had a red and gold katana.

Sho got some cards out and that's when I knew it was time to fight again. "Hello. I am the one they call Ikaruga. Who might you 2 be?" She asked us with an unreadable but not stoic look on her face. All I could tell from her is that she's elegant, formal and someone who we shouldn't mess with.

"Get out of my way lady! Don't make me hurt you!" Sho shouted at her in his slight stage of mania. I kinda forgot that he wasn't thinking rationally since he looked very defensive.

I sighed lightly as I saw Ikaruga giggle. "Dear me. Why must I be burdened by such a boorish man?" She asked herself, insulting the poor kid at one of his lowest moments. Like damn, that's kinda harsh to do.

"I warned you!" Sho shouted and before I could do anything, he threw some cards at her but she cut them in half. Not in half like the front and back but cut in half like the borders of the cards.

I looked in shock as I saw the spilt open cards start flying in the wind. "What type of magic is that?" I asked in amazement and confusion. I've never seen a spell that can perfectly cut something in half. If I had, I would've used it for my cooking ages ago.

"My katana can cut through anything with extreme precision." She explained to me and I nodded before realizing something. In Sho's state of mind, he might attack her at any point in time.

I looked at him with slight fear as I saw him draw some cards. "Whatever you do, don't att-" I was cut off as Sho was about to throw some cards at Ikaruga but he was stopped. The floor below him was cut, his cards were shredded to pieces and he started to fall.

"I-I can't move." He said with a lot of strain in his voice. I looked at him in shock then looked back at her.

I got some cards out with anger filling me. "What did you do to him?" I asked her as pulled one card out of my hand. I could tell he was in so much pain right now. Too much pain for him to handle.

She laughed again, covering her mouth. "I only severed his nerves without cutting his clothes or flesh. This is what's called Mugetsu style." She explained to me with a simple smile on her face. It disgusted me.

"Why the hell would you do that?! He's just a kid! How could you do something like that to someone so young?! A child shouldn't be put through that pain, even if he's a teenager!" I lashed out at her, my blood boiling with anger. First of all, that's the assault of a minor and second, that's doing damage that might not be able to be undone.

I put a Heart's Healing card on his chest, activating it then took Erza from his pocket. She's gonna help me bring this bitch down. I concentrated my magic on the card and it started glowing, setting her free. "I own you one (Y/N). Sho wouldn't let me out of that card but I suspected you'd be able to with how strong your magic is." She told me as she was guarding Sho. I could tell she wanted to take her down as much as I did.

I looked at Sho and got an idea. I ran over to him, picked him up, walked farther away from the fight then activated a Diamond's Defense card. "She might be able to cut through this but this will keep you safe from anything else that can harm you. I should know, I made this spell myself." I assured him before running back over to Erza who had already started fighting Ikaruga.

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