Chapter 10 The Tower of Heaven

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A few hours later
We're now out at sea with Natsu showing us the way. "I'm worried about the people who are stuck in the cards. You think they're ok?" Lucy asked me since I'm the one who knows all about this magic.

I nodded once, knowing they're ok. "They're actually probably all back to normal by now. Plus, that spell doesn't harm the target in any way, shape or form. I'm actually able to use that spell but it's not something I use often since it's not normally necessary." I explained to her and she nodded, understanding what I meant. I've never seen someone else use that spell other than Cana so it came as a shock to me.

"Wait a minute, where the hell are we?" Gray asked us, getting our attention. He knows we're at sea, right?

"I don't know. We've been following Salamander's lead." The new girl, Juvia, told us and it was at this moment, I knew, we fucked up.

I looked at Natsu who was close to puking his guts out. "What the fuck man?! We're relying on your sense of smell! Pull it together!" Gray shouted at him in typical Gray fashion. He can't go 5 minutes without fighting with Natsu.

I sighed heavily as I looked at my hand and clenched my fist. "I can't believe how easy it was for them to take us on and kidnap Erza and Happy. I feel like I could've done something more to stop them. Instead, I was dumb and got trapped in a spell I should've known how to get out of." I told them as anger started to fill me more. It pisses me off who I was fooled so easily.

"In our defense, they must've been powerful wizards to beat one as strong as Erza." Juvia said and I laughed bitterly at that.

"They didn't beat Erza 'cause they're powerful, they tricked us time and time again. I saw Erza get shot in the back. I'm gonna make the bitch who shot her pay. No one, and I mean no one hurts my best friend and gets away with it." I told them as I felt my anger growing as I thought of everything that happened today. First Phantom Lord and now this? It seems like we just can't catch a break.

Suddenly, Natsu stood up in the boat which was the biggest shock today. He didn't look like he was about to throw up. The thing is, I felt like something bad was about to happen. "Something's wrong." Natsu told us, making me sure that I wasn't crazy about my bad feeling.

When we looked up, the birds suddenly started falling from the sky. There were also dead fish and recked Fiore naval ship. "Ok, I'm creeped out." Lucy said as she held tight onto me. Juvia was glaring at me now for some reason.

Natsu looked over and his eyes widened. "What's that?" He asked us so I decided to look at whatever he saw and my eyes widened as well.

I stepped back as I felt a negative energy around the tower. "That must be the Tower of Heaven." Lucy said in shock as she kept on clinging to me. Despite the situation, I could tell Gray a bit jealous of her just by the look on his face.

Juvia raised her hand. "I'll protect us. My water dome will keep us from being seen." She told us before water started swirling around us. Lucy let go of me, much to both Gray and Juvia's pleasure. I can see her and Lucy together but what about Cana? I can't set up her crush with someone else.

I smiled at her and gave her a thumbs up. "Great job Juvia." I told her before I sat back down in the boat, feeling very paranoid right now. This energy the tower is emitting is so dark that I can't help but feel such intense paranoia.

Someone touched my shoulder and I jumped, quickly turning to them. It was Gray. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you. I don't think that could've been avoided though. You look so worried and paranoid so I wanted to check up on you." He told me with a worried look on his face.

I sighed before looking back at the tower, the energy intensifying. "Maybe it's just my mind making stuff up but I think a lot of people were hurt here. There's such an intense negative energy that I can't help but feel fear, worry and paranoia." I told him as I looked him in the eyes. I think I could look into those eyes all day and still not get tired.

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