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I don't think I've ever been as happy and at peace as I am in this period of my life.

Everything is falling into place, bit by bit I'm getting my households in order and am I proud of myself? Damn right I am. It's crazy to think of how I dreaded being where I am today. Married to two women. The thought alone was enough to just make me want to down an entire bottle of hot liquor because it sounded wild, and crazy. But now I can't imagine having a life other than the one I have right now.

From the launch of the restaurant, everything has just been on a high, finding out I'm going to be a father has of course been the cherry on top but besides that, Lulama and I are making progress with our house hunting. Both being the detailed people that we are, we've given our estate agent some real grief and I'm quite sure she's tired, but this isn't just another house, this will be our home and that of our future children so we both want something close to perfection, if not perfection itself.

We've also started planning for our big day and it's just as exciting for me as it was when I first got married, I think a lot of it has to do with how happy she is with this, and that makes me happy. Happy wife, happy life they said, it wasn't a lie.

Things are also looking up on the business side, the client we signed a few months ago has approached Nkosiyabo with a proposal and this morning we have a meeting in the boardroom about it. I check the time then gather my stuff and head on there and when I walk in I find Liyana sitting with Lwazi and Mdu.

"Nawe ulapha? [You're also here?], kubi moes," I say to Lwazi. He chose a different path in life so we aren't used to seeing him here.

"I decided to come check on how you guys are handling my inheritance, once in a while a person must make sure they aren't headed for brokeness you know," He jokes and I look at Liyana

"Awumtshelanga? [You didn't tell him?]" I put on my most serious face. "Nawe Mdu? You guys didn't bother?"

"I didn't know how to start," Liyana plays along.

"Me too, this isn't easy," Mdu gets in as well.

"Tell me what?" Lwazi shifts from his relaxes mode and looks at all of us. I take my seat next to Mdu and Lwazi's eyes are glued to me"I asked a question, "

" We're headed for bankrupsy, things aren't going good for us and we're going under, fast. At this point we we're looking to auction a portion of our shares to suitable investors. That's why we're gathered here, "

" How the hell did that happen? Liyana?" Yeah, the  finance lady gets it.

She looks at him then struggles to keep it together, then she busts out laughing. Lwazi shakes his head then looks at me" Even with two wives, he refuses to grow, "

" Not even a baby could help his unwillingness, "Liyana says.

" Hey, leave my women and baby out of it, "

" Yasss 'my women' you're enjoying this, aren't you? " Mdu asks.

" I called it first, "Liyana declares and the two look at her to elaborate" I once asked him if he ever felt that he was gonna be a man with multiple women, even without the ancestors help and he didn't answer me. If I didn't know better, I'd say they came through for you because they made it easy for both your wives to accept this and it worked out in your favor because vele this is how you would have ended up anyway,"

" And you guys branded me the ladies man, "Mdu says faking offence.

" No, no, you can't compare the two, bafo. You smash and run, that is not what I'm doing, " Mdu is a Casanova of note , nobody, and I mean nobody can ever top his record.

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