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"Father of three, how do you do?"

"I'm very good and yourself, sir?"

"I'd be good if I could score a free lunch... And some desert,"

"If you're looking for food then you know where to be this evening, but bring your wallets, just because you're family doesn't mean you get to ride free, infact I expect you to be the one who pumps a lot of money into this, you know. All these new responsibilities are putting serious dents on my bank accounts, "

"Do we need to start a gofundme in your name?"

"Please do, and I'll take cash in thousands please,"

"Listen to you, beggars can't be choosers,"

"This beggar and his family have a specific standard of living and we are not willing to downgrade," I continue goofing around with Nkosiyabo in his office while taking in a folder that he needs to oversee.

"But jokes aside, you've done good for yourself man and I'm proud of you, but I think I owe a lot of credit to Minenhle, she forced you to grow up," He takes that dog at me and I laugh it off but it's not entirely a lie. Not that I wasn't grown before she came by, but being a father put a lot of things into perspective and having to go down the same route as Lulama only cemented the thoughts that I already had deep in my mind.

"Ngiyabonga bhut'omdala [Thanks, big brother] that sure does mean a lot considering that you've seen me stumble about,"

"Those aren't things to be ashamed of, its part of growth and they've shaped you up to be the husband and father that you are today,"

"That's true," It's been one hell of a year and a half but I'm good with where we are.

"Are you headed to the appointment first?" He asks.

"Yeah, there's just a lot going on today,  starting with finding out if I remain a girl dad strictly or I'm being blessed with little gents," I smile at the thought. I'd love to be having boys this time around, even if it's just one boy and a girl, not to say I will love my babies any less because of their gender, no, they are a piece of me and that alone is enough to make them love them with no conditions or limits, I just would like to have a son, a little Mdlalose, I won't lie and say that thought isn't on my mind because it is.

As for Lulama, when she first found out that I knocked her up she wouldn't talk to me and it almost went on for a week until I put a stop to that nonsense. Yes she wasn't the most overjoyed woman on earth when finding out that her birth control failed her, and she cried... A lot. Then she blamed me, then she blamed our great-grand parents, I'll never admit this openly to her but I knew before she even took the tests, I just waited it out until she took it and boy did all hell break loose with me on the receiving end because how dare I impregnate her when she clearly and loudly told me she wasn't about the pregnancy life yet. Secretly I laughed... I still do, she was bound to carry my seed at some point, well seeds in this case because with my wife, everything has to be extra and I'm not complaining.

I'm happy that she doesn't resent the thought of becoming a mother. She was just scared and now that it's worn off she's allowing herself to feel every moment.

Nandi is also having the time of her life with our princess. My ever so cute Minenhle, I must have done something right in this life to get the honor of being called her dad and I do not take that for granted, nor do I her mother. Lwazi once called me a lucky bastard, I agree. I married two wonderful women, even when they aren't entirely getting along with me at the moment due to a decision that I reached and instead of 'consulting'  with them, I called them in and let them know how we are to move forward with our family. Democracy good and it works, but not in all situations.

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