Let's catch up, shall we?

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Hello, everyone, how are you? I hope time has treated you all well despite the times we are currently living in.

Whether you're a new fan or an older follower from back then when I was still active here, I am forever grateful to you. I am still shocked that this book that I started back when I was around 15 is still getting traction because. . . why? I get that sometimes the things that I've written can bring comfort to some, but most, if not all of it, is still corny in my opinion. Whatever the reason, there is some stuff I need to address.

If you're one of my older followers, whether you're still active or come by once in a while, you may have noticed that I've taken down the smut that I've written before. Some reasons for that?

1. I am now 20.
2. The characters from this franchise are teenagers.
3. I am not comfortable with keeping that stuff up when I am a young adult.
4. Aging them up also makes me uncomfortable because I am very aware of what their actual age is.
5. I am also well aware that kids (younger than teens) read my stuff, so I'm also not comfortable with having them come across that.

Now, I will say I'm a hypocrite because I've known and read about smut when I was in middle school; it was but an old guilty pleasure of mine. So I'm not saying that teenagers shouldn't consume that stuff because no matter what you tell them, they won't always listen. However, I am super uncomfortable with children and pre-teens coming across that kind of stuff and finding it fascinating or enjoyable. I'd much rather you (if you are underage) go consume material that is appropriate for you.

Because of this, I will only be finishing requests that don't contain smut when I have the time.

There's also this one issue. People (kids I'm assuming) who keep commenting inappropriate things. Like, I don't want to believe that a literal child is commenting such things, but???

Earlier this morning someone commented "r@pe" on my first Suou x reader. Like. . . what? Bitch, where??? If you were trying to be funny, you failed horribly. I don't even feel bad at your sorry excuse of an attempt.

I already blocked and reported the person, so I probably won't say who it was unless you dm me, I guess; I don't need people to go attack them for me or whatever.

The reason this book was made was to connect people. While it isn't a sanctuary of all things, I still want this to be a place where people can share their interests and make friends (I don't even care if that comes off as cheesy). So like, if you could not go around triggering people, that would be lovely, thank you very much. And no, just because words like that can trigger others doesn't mean they are weak or sensitive, so don't go around calling people that.

That's kind of it.

If you're interested in my well-being, I've been doing alright. Sometimes I have my ups and downs, but that's how life is. Plus, I know about healthy coping mechanisms to help with that stuff.

I've also been accepted into college (I started earlier this year in January). I wanted to attend in order to become a nurse, but so far I'm just? Not so sure if I want to pursue that path anymore. And that's okay because thoughts and feelings change. Whether I still want to become a nurse or not, I just have to go with the flow and not sweat the small stuff (to a healthy degree, mind you).

I hope that this finds you all well (I sound like an old man, help 😭). And just know that no matter what, most of us in this community are willing to help if you ever need to reach out. I love and care for you all deeply, lovelies!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2023 ⏰

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