Free x reader

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Aria: I've finally updated after a millennia. I'm shocked to see that there are still some of you that vote on my crappy one-shots though. Anyways, I hope I can update more often now. I didn't feel motivated enough to publish this since I've had it resting in my notes for a little over a month. Kind of sad since this is the first large fandom I have been in for at least 3 years. Well, this one-shot is 1,727 words long and was requested by Shu_Lover_666
Hope you like it, and I apologize for making it super late.

(F/C)= Favorite Color
(E/C)= Eye Color
(Y/N)= Your Name
(S/C)= Skin Color

The soft pitter patter of the rain that resounded above your head sent chills down your spine, although it wasn't the bad kind. Your (f/c) coat was long discarded, hanging over your arm in an attempt to feel the light breeze that passed by.

Times like these were always nice, especially when the sun wasn't beating down on your form without any drop of mercy.

Stepping forwards, you approached the edge of the little, leafy canopy. The rain showed no hints of stopping, which was kind of unfortunate. Why? Because today was the day you planned on meeting up with a dear friend of yours.

The rain, no matter how dear and lovely it was for you, was not helping your little dilemma; Run off towards the house of your best friend or stay until the rain diminished.

It wasn't like the house was far away, it was only a little ways ahead from your current location. But then again, the rain seemed to be pouring harder now.

After standing there for a few moments, a small raindrop came in contact with the tip of your nose. Well, it seems your decision has been made.

Without a second thought, you draped your coat over the warm container you were holding before sprinting out of your temporary shelter. You didn't stray far from the trees as you got close to your destination. This way, your clothes wouldn't get too soaked. Only one could hope that you didn't get sick after this.

In the distance, you could see your friend's home. Well, more like their household since they didn't live alone. Once you got close to the entrance, you raised your hand to knock, only for the door to open. There was no time to process the situation when a pale hand grabbed your free wrist and pulled you into the warm and cozy home.

"Geez, already trying to get sick?" The male before you asked before letting the towel in his other hand fall ungracefully onto your head.

"H-Hey! What was that for?!" You yelled, squealing soon after when his hands began to move the fabric on your hair in multiple directions to dry most of it off.

"Hmm? No reason, just trying to save your life." The monotonous voice replied, its owner continuing his ministration.

Silence soon filled the room until the towel was pulled away, giving you the chance to see your dear friend, Free. And yes, the number one blader, Free De La Hoya, is your dear friend.

"As if!" You pouted, crossing your arms and looking away from him after slinging your wet coat over his head. The situation became quite silly after that.

Without removing your coat, which was obscuring his eyes, he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you close to let you feel the sopping wetness of the article of clothing. "If I get sick, you're going to take care of me."

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