Shu x Reader (+ Rant)

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Warning: Major cursing in the beginning. If you are too sensitive, then skip to the dashed line. I'm putting this in the beginning because this note is too harsh to leave at the end of a cute story.

Alex: Alright, so listen up people. I'm here to tell you all the reasons why my dear Aria hasn't been updating this book. It will be nice and simple so I suggest you read this cause I will NOT repeat myself. Aria won't tell you why either so don't bother asking them.

1. STOP FUCKING SPAMMING THEM. It's not hard at all. They almost had a FUCKING MENTAL BREAKDOWN BECAUSE OF TWO LITTLE SHITS DOING JUST THAT. Be logical before you spam their one-shots with your stupid little comments. Find that logic. I basically had to delete those irrational comments to calm them down.

2. Give them some fucking time??? They are human, not a supernatural being with an endless amount of energy. When writing a story, it takes time to make it perfect, alright? Good.

3. Aria will not always, and I repeat, NOT ALWAYS enjoy being in the Beyblade Burst fandom. They have been in it for at least 2 years. People sometimes like to move on from a fandom when fans make it shitty. So if they end up leaving, don't come after them and blame them for doing so. It's their decision.

Now that that is done, I better not come back here because some little bitch decided to complain and whine about how unfair Aria is being. To those fans out there: Fix your shitty behavior and grow up :)


(Y/N)= Your Name
(H/C)= Hair Color
(E/C)= Eye Color
(F/A)= Favorite Animal
(F/C)= Favorite Color
(S/F/C)= Second Favorite Color

One-shot is 2,934 words long and was requested by @carly_cake
Your other request is halfway done by the way.

"Hey, have any of you seen (Y/N)?" Shu asked a few minutes after arriving at the school rooftop.

"(Y/N)? No, not really." Rantaro answered before slipping his hands into his pants as he continued to watch the battle between Valt and Daigo.

"I think I saw your little girlfriend where they are planning to make the school garden." Wakiya announced as he too watched the battle unravel before his eyes.

Blushing, the albino sighed. "She's not my girlfriend." he responded as he turned around to leave.

"At least not yet!" Valt yelled as his pure brown eyes sparkled. "Go get her before it's too late, Shu!" the bluenette said before paying attention to his partner, Valtryek.

Shaking his head, Shu couldn't help but smile as he left the rooftop and made his way down the stairs.

As he walked towards the empty land where the school garden would be, he began to hear some strange noises.

Giggles, to be more specific.

'Please don't be fangirls!' the albino begged as he looked around cautiously. As he got closer to his distination, everything fell silent.

'This is going to be the start of a horror movie, isn't it?' Shu rhetorically thought to himself.

Once he arrived, he was shocked to say the least. What was supposed to be empty land really... wasn't so empty.

Before him stood a path of rose bushes that led to the entrance of the garden. Deciding he should continue, he began to look for (Y/N) again.

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