Ruwei x Reader

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Aria: I'm finally back! I'm sorry it took so long to publish this! I wasn't sure if it was alright or ok... I just wanted it to be perfect! And I hope it is. Anyway this one-shot is 1,417 words long (not counting this paragraph and the slight warning)!
This was requested by FantaFox333
I hope you like it!

And it gets a bit suggestive after the second time skip... At least I think it does... I'll still warn you anyway! Oh and before I forget... In this one-shot, you're Ukyo's sister!

(Y/N)= Your Name
(h/l)= Hair Length
(h/c)= Hair Color
(e/c)= Eye Color

"I'm finally back!", you yelled as you ran on a familiar path. You even managed to run past your giant friend Xander!

"Is this even the right way?", the red haired male asked while trying to keep up with you. "And how are you so fast!?"

You kept running as you laughed. "I'm sure this is the right way! I've been here a lot of times before!", you yelled while looking back at him. "And I'm fast because it has been so long since I've seen the love of my life!"

Xander just sighed as he tried to run faster. "Who is the love of your life?", the red haired male asked exhaustedly.

"That's for me to know, and for you to find out!", you exclaimed while running even faster. "You will be very surprised!", you slightly giggled before stopping in front of a big gate.

When Xander caught up to you, he looked slightly tired. But only slightly.

"Are you ok?", you asked in worry while slightly tilting your head to the side.

The tall boy just grinned at you. "Don't worry about me!", he reassured you. He then playfully ruffled your hair. "Besides, is this the right place?", he asked before laughing loudly.

You pouted as you looked up at him. "Of course it is! Have I ever been wrong?"

The male just smirked at you. "Yeah. That one time you-"

"Shut up!", you interrupted him before turning away. "And to think I looked up to you...", you mumbled.

Xander looked at you in confusion before his eyes widened. "Wait... Was that-"

You quickly turned to face him again with a smirk. "A pun? Why, yes it was."

You both stared at each other before bursting out in laughter.

After a while, you both stopped messing around and got serious. Xander knocked on the big gate a few times, and he may or may not have broken a board.

A few seconds later, four familiar faces appear. But you didn't feel like dealing with them right now.

'Where is he?...', you thought while looking around. 'He's definitely not here... Oh well!'

You turned towards the giant gate, ran towards it, and jumped. Good thing you were very skilled in many things or else you would have face planted into the gate... But anyways, you climbed over that gate like it was nothing!

Xander just sweatdropped as he watched you. "I will get you after this (Y/N) Ibuki...", the male sighed before facing his opponents.

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