Free x Reader

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Aria: Well, I'm back I suppose. I'm glad that some of you enjoyed my last one-shot. I honestly don't know if I'll be continuing this book after I'm done with all of your requests. I've gotten into new fandoms over the past two months or so, like The Promised Neverland, Ice Scream, Citrus, etc. No worries though, if I do stop writing one-shots here, I'll just be writing something else on Wattpad. Perhaps a crossover between Beyblade Burst and The Promised Neverland, which I'll work on when I'm not busy with school projects.

Anyways, this was requested by carly_cake. It's 1,823 words long, not including this little author's note.

(H/C)= Hair Color
(Y/N)= Your Name
(F/N)= Friend's Name
(E/C)= Eye Color

Who knew that making desserts was so hard. What was once a prestine kitchen was now the opposite of impeccable. Kind of.

Glass bowls of all sizes littered the marble counters; Some of them filled to the brim with ingredients, others having residue resting at the bottom. Two enormous bags of sugar and flour rested on the still clean floor as a female rushed about the room.

"Oh no! I have to- Ah!" the (h/c) haired girl screamed out before catching her footing once again. She stood in a tense manner, whisking the batter for a few more minutes before setting the glass bowl and whisk on one of the counters. She turned around and walked towards the culprit: The bag of flour.

With a small pout, she crouched down and tried to pull it up, only to fail from how heavy it was. "Why do you weight so much?!" she breathed out before letting her grip falter. She straightened her posture and crossed her arms over her chest, her pout becoming more noticeable.

"(Y/N)? What are you doing here?" a feminine voice inquired from the entrance of the kitchen.

Turning around, the female found Kris looking at her curiously. The young woman walked towards the other female as she looked at the slight mess.

"Um, you see, I was just baking a few things... I'm really sorry though!" you apologized, immediately bowing at a 90° angle.

Kris only chuckled as she gave your head a gentle pat. "Hey, it's alright. There's no need to apologize," she explained while looking at the desserts you had cooling on a rack. "If you don't mind me asking, why are you baking?"

Straightening your posture, you looked into her royal blue eyes. "Well, I just wanted to bake some cakes and other things for you, Free, and everyone else in BC Sol," you answered truthfully, sending her a small nervous smile. "I'm sorry I didn't ask Ange for permission though."

At that, Kris giggled as she shook her head lightly. "It's alright, (Y/N)! Just don't forget to clean up, okay?"

Nodding at her words, you smiled brightly at her. "Okay! Thank you, Kris!" you joyfully said before turning around and grabbing the glass bowl and whisk once more.

With a smile plastered on her face, the young woman left you to your own devices, hoping nothing bad would happen.

As soon as you were done moving about the kitchen, tons of sweets have been made. After placing them on another rack to cool off, you decided it would be best to clean up the small mess you had created.

You hummed a soft, enchanting melody as you washed every glass bowl and utensil in sight. The sweet tune that you created was one you remember your friend, (F/N), hum some time ago.

Beyblade Burst Oneshot Book (DISCONTINUED FOR NOW)Where stories live. Discover now