Suou x Reader

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Aria: After working on this for almost 4 months , I came back to-

Alex: Bless everyone with a one-shot were we dissed some characters!

Aria: I... How dare you.

Alex: Lmao, I'm just messing with you! You did it for the plot anyways.

Matthew: Mind getting straight to the point?

Aria: But... My intro.

Alex: Let the fabulous boy of the group do it for you! This one-shot, where the reader is thankfully neutral, is about the Hanahaki AU, but no warnings since there's nothing bad going on here! This isn't like one of your typical stories where you get to choose what color the petals will be. Aria chose the flowers listed here based on their meaning! Aria is, after all, really invested in learning the flower language. They are such a romantic person!

Aria: ...

Alex: Yes?

Aria: That's such a lie. Anyways, this one-shot is 5,815 words long (not including this paragraph) and was requested by depressed_cherry

Matthew: I hope you enjoy it and are able to forgive Aria for taking so long on finishing this.

(B/N)= Bey's Name
(Y/N)= Your Name
(E/C)= Eye Color
(M/N)= Mother's Name
(L/N)= Last Name
(F/C)= Favorite Color
(S/T)= Skin Tone

{Please refrain from typing your answer in this one-shot.}

"You know, your launching position would be much better if you adjusted your arms a little bit." Fubuki mumbled as he looked towards your form, making sure that everything was how it should be.

"Ah, I see. Like this?" You replied, moving your arms at a slight angle. After all, every little thing counts. When you received a nod from the blond, you looked back down at the stadium.

Counting down from three to one, you pulled on the ripcord to release your beloved bey, (B/N).

As you focused on the way (B/N) spun around in the stadium, you were unaware of three, very curious people watching you and Fubuki.

"That's the new student, right?" Toko inquired, tilting his head to the side when the captain of Beigoma Academy's Beyclub began to talk, giving you more tips on how to perfect your launch even more.

"Yeah, I believe so. I wonder how they got Fubuki to help them train since he usually prefers to train alone." Toko's sister, Nika, replied. Raising her tablet, she looked up your bey to see what type it was along with its stats.

Suou stood beside the twins as he observed the scene before him. He had to agree with the pinkette on this one. Were you perhaps a friend of his, one he didn't know the blond had? A friend from infancy? Or were you something... more to Fubuki?

Well, whichever one it was, it didn't matter much to him. At least not at the moment. The white haired male had better things to do, for example, training. And this... little interaction was just a waste of time to him.

So with those thoughts in mind, Suou turned on his heel and walked off. 'I must train and get stronger. Strength is much more important than some pitiful, little lesson.'

~Time Skip~

"Here, you need to stay hydrated." Fubuki coaxed as he handed you a bottle of water.

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