Aria Has No Idea What To Put As A Title ✨

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Hello, everyone, Aria here! It has been. . . quite a year, huh? Feels like only a couple of months went by but 2021 is right around the corner. . .

Honestly, the last time I uploaded anything in this book was on the first of May, just when I turned seventeen. Ever since then, a lot of things have happened.

I really did want to do more with this book, it had the potential to be something more, something great! But. . . this whole thing has been very difficult for me.

I have started going to therapy a few months ago and still am. This year has just been very stressful for me, putting twice as much strain and heaviness on my shoulders. What makes this whole situation even worse is that I am a senior and half a year has almost gone by already.

This has affected me greatly. As a perfectionist and a procrastinator, everything about this has made everything seem ten times more difficult. Do not even get me started on the elections and shit.

Ah, other than that, those are my reasons for being away for so long. . . other than being diagnosed with depression, anxiety, and ocd. I always had that feeling that I was mentally unwell to do something like this; writing stuff for others, expecting them to come out perfectly, and overall just worrying about the finished product.

I am quite astounded I managed to get this far really. The amount of people that read this book never fails to throw me for a loop. So I just wanted to say thank you. Thank you for staying by my side this far and supporting this little book of mine for so long. Mm, I can say that I am proud for making it this long.

Anyways, this book and its remaining requests. . .

I know I said I would be working on this and all, but this year has just been the worst, not just for me, of course, but for everyone else as well. As much as I would love to stay and write more for you all, I really cannot. As a person who has always done things for other people almost their whole life, I deserve to step back and breathe.

Self-care is something I am still learning to do, so you know. . . this is all new and strange to me. I find that the more I look at this book, the more stressed out and amxious I feel. This is just not good for my mental health.

Now, does this mean I will be discontinuing this book?

. . .


I mean, on one hand, I do want to finish all the requests this book has. But on the other, I just have no more inspiration for this at the moment. Maybe after a few months, possibly even a year or two, I will be able to pick this up again. For now. . . I will just work on getting better. Not just for me, but for you all as well.

So once again, thank you for reading this book and sticking by until the "end." It really means a lot. If you ever need someone to talk to, you can always dm me! Take care and stay safe, everyone! Happy holidays to you all!

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