Suou x Reader

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Aria: This is my first x Reader so please don't criticize me harshly! I kind of got carried away with it, so this one-shot may or may not be 1,556 words long (Not counting this little paragraph)! But anyway, this was requested by MarshmellowandSuou
I hope you like it!

And one last thing! I totally don't hate Aiga! My sister just told me to use him as... Well... How he is in this one-shot.

(s/c)= Skin Color
(h/c)= Hair Color
(e/c)= Eye Color
(B/N)= Bey Name
(Y/N)= Your Name

The raindrops didn't spark any coldness in you. You didn't even shiver when they splashed on your visible (s/c) skin. You just kept running. Running from the taunts and harsh actions of the red haired boy who just kept messing with you... Almost like he wanted to tear you apart.

And yet, you were more furious at yourself for letting him do this. For not doing anything to stop him.

You held your dear partner, (B/N), close to your chest, not even caring that your clothes were getting drenched. Sure, at this rate if you didn't find any refuge from the rain soon, you would end up getting sick. But that didn't matter to you. At least not anymore.

Soon, you found yourself standing underneath the canopy  of a tree in a park. There were some bey stadiums around the area, but looking at them just brought back memories of him...

Aiga Akaba.

Just hearing that name angered you so much. What was so special about him anyway? Just because he won a battle didn't mean he had to rub it in his opponent's face. And let's not forget he's too loud.

He would always try to find you. What for? To challenge you again and again, just for you to lose repeatedly. And then what? He would make fun of you.

You just couldn't believe people like him existed. But you surely couldn't wait for someone to finally beat him and for Aiga to have his ass handed to him. He totally deserves it.

The sound of footsteps immediately caused you to snap out of your thoughts and turn around. You couldn't see quite well who it was since the rain still continued to fall. But what you could see was someone wearing red... Or at least a shade of red.

So with that in mind, you safely tucked (B/N) into your pocket,  turned back around and ran.

Without anything to block the rain from your view, everything was blurry. But you decided to just keep running without looking back. For all you know, that could be Aiga. If he found you, he would just mock you and (B/N).

And you totally didn't want to hear anything from him right now. Not now, not ever.

The footsteps kept getting closer and closer. Even though you were running, it seemed the other person was running as well. And the thing is, you were taller than Aiga, so there was no way you were being chased by him. If he was chasing you, it would take him ages to get near you. Which made you think the person behind you had to be someone taller than the red haired boy and you.

That thought definitely made you shiver in fear.

So as soon as you saw an alleyway, you ran towards it. You ran through many other alleyways to try to lose your pursuer. But by doing that, it suddenly started to get difficult to hear the stranger's footsteps from all the splashing the puddles caused.

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