Valt x Reader

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Aria: I'm finally done with this one-shot! I couldn't finish it quickly since my cousins from Illinois came over... But anyways, this one-shot is 1,832 words long (not counting this paragraph and warning)!
This was requested by bluedragonofthewind
I hope you like it!

For this one-shot I used Lillian Wagner, one of my OC's! If I find out one of you steals her and takes credit of her, it won't be a pretty sight for anyone! But I'm just warning all of you.

(Y/N)= Your Name
(f/c)= Favorite Color

"Hey (Y/N)...", you felt someone gently shake you. "Come on... It's time for school..."

"School?... I don't want to go...", you sigh quietly before pulling your soft (f/c) blanket over your head. "Just give me a couple of decades and I'll be ready..."

A few moments later, you hear the person chuckle in an adorable manner. "Come on (Y/N)... Want me to help you?..."

You slowly took your blanket off your face to see your brother, Ken Midori.

Well, he's not really your brother. His parents decided to adopt you so Ken wouldn't be that lonely.

Before you were sent to an orphanage, you used to live with your parents. They rarely took care of you since they were always working.

The one who ended up taking care of you was your favorite maid, Lillian Wagner.

Lillian had long black hair that was always in a ponytail, light gray eyes, and fair skin. And the way she acted towards you was how a true mother would act towards her daughter.

She would always do what you asked her to do. You remember the few times she would sneak you out of the mansion at night to take you to the garden in the backyard. You would sometimes have a midnight picnic there. And other times, the both of you would dance and sing till the sun rose above the horizon.

But all of those happy memories are gone. They have been buried underneath the rubble of the mansion. All because of a stupid fire that was caused by one of the candles in the corridors.

You remember Lillian waking you up. You remember seeing only smoke. All of the entrances and exits were blocked by debris. But she had quickly carried you to a secret passageway in the library.

You could perfectly fit and flee far away from there. But the only problem was that she wouldn't be able to fit. The passageway was way too small, creepily enough the size of a child.

But not wanting to leave her, you quickly wrapped your arms around her waist. Lillian's light gray eyes looked at you sadly. She didn't want you to die, so she carefully took off her silver necklace and placed it around your neck before gently pushing you into the passageway.

The last thing you remember before escaping was Lillian's reassuring smile.

After that, the only aunt you had had to take care of you. She hated you so much since the first time she saw you as a baby, so she always tried to make your life hard and terrible. That woman would even physically hurt you.

Luckily, she wasn't the brightest when it came to hiding stuff.

When a woman came over to talk with your aunt, that woman's daughter had seen your bruises and cuts and immediately decided to tell her mom. When they both saw marks on your neck as well, the woman called the police, and the police arrested your aunt for child abuse.

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