Lazy Sundays II (Headcanons)

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You: You haven't updated. . . Why???

Aria: Mmm, m O n K e Y-

You: -_-

Aria: I'm just kidding. I haven't been updating because my inspiration is below zero. That and because although I'm out of school due to what's going on, I still have online work to do. Well, sucks to be me I guess. Hmm, maybe you'd like to read my BNHA x Reader book?

You: Didn't you say you'd update, like, months ago though??? And what's with the self-promo???

Aria: I did. But here we are. I should really stop saying I'll promise to update before a certain time. It makes me look like a liar. And yes, I really did just do a self-promotion because it isn't a bad thing to do. So don't judge me. Love you.

You: Wha-

Aria: Nothing. Being oblivious is a blissful gift sometimes.


Alex: Man, quite a few of you actually liked those headcanons, huh?

Matthew: It appears so.

Alex: You should do more, Aria! Please our readers!

Aria: . . .

Alex: Is that a yes?

Aria: No.

Alex: But why?! I thought you loved writing!

Aria: I do, but eh. I honestly don't think they were that good.

Alex: Lies! Have more confidence in your writing skills and do more!

Matthew: Are you coercing our vessel again?

Alex: . . . Shut up.

Aria: Well, I guess it can't be helped. I'll do other characters.

Alex: Hell yeah! Show everyone your enchanting writing, my. . . um, lady?

Aria: Enchanting my ass. And eh. You don't have to use female pronouns. Any pronouns are good for me. You should know that by now.

Alex: I do, but oof. There's too much to remember!

Matthew: You seem to be quite fretful today. It does not look good on you. You will get premature wrinkles.

Alex: Shut up, you-!

Aria: Anyways, onto the headcanons.


Warning: This was made by some idiots sharing half a brain cell, so please proceed with caution. It will mostly consist of the Season 1 cast. Also, some of the last characters were written so badly, we're sorry-

🔥Xander Shakadera🔥

>>Oh dear, w h y

>>There's a 99% chance that you'll wake up with this giant on you

>>There's no doubt he's heavy, so you wake up out of breath cause he's slowly, but surely, crushing you

>>Cue you trying to push him off, only to hear him chuckle

>>That smug, piece of-


>>"But you're so comfortable! The best pillow in the world!"

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