Daigo x Reader

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Aria: This is the fastest I have ever written a one-shot! It's 1,032 words long (not counting this paragraph)! I'm proud of myself but I'm not sure if it's good enough! Anyways, this was requested by daigokenwakiya
I hope it's to your liking!

(Y/N)= Your Name
(f/c)= Favorite Color
(B/N)= Bey Name

Your math class was the worst. The teacher wasn't strict. (He/She) was surprisingly very nice! But your classmates... They were another story.

All of your classmates, except for you of course, were given homework! Now weren't you lucky!

Although you were given a few glares, you really couldn't care less. It was their fault they got homework after all.

As you were hiding your giggles behind one of your hands at their misfortune, the last bell of the day rung. And the only thing that came to your mind was...

"Freedom!", you yelled and ran out of the classroom with your things before your teacher could notice.

You kept running, even when you were in the halls, while carelessly cramming your math notebook into your book bag. And you sure were lucky since none of the teachers saw you.

Soon you managed to arrive safely in front of a certain stairway. Running up the steps and opening the door, you excitedly yelled,"I can't wait to finally beat that little-!..."

"Why is it so hot!?...", you groaned in dissatisfaction as soon as you stepped onto the school's roof.

"How should I know?... Do I look like mother nature?...", a voice tiredly spoke right next to you.

You turned to your right to see none other than the owner of Wyvron.

"Uhhhh... First, I don't know. And second, maybe?", you awkwardly rubbed the back of your neck as he glared at you. "If you wear a blue pretty dress with your hair completely down, you could be mother nature!", you suggested nervously.

Wakiya stared at you before sighing. "Anyways, who were you talking about beating?...", the blonde asked. He crossed his arms across his chest and narrowed his eyes at you.

You placed your index finger on your chin in thought. "Hmmm... I think I was talking about beating you...".

He stared at you in disbelief. "Why you little-!", he yelled and raised his hand to hit your head, but when you noticed, you jumped out of the way. And guess who he ended up hitting...

"Oww! What was that for?!", Valt cried out as he held his head. He opened his eyes and winced at the pain.

"Are you okay smol bean?!", you asked while running towards him to check his head for any injuries. When there wasn't any serious harm, you hugged him and began to rub his head gently.

Wakiya scoffed. "Stop that! He's not a baby! He's obviously going to be fine.", he yelled before placing his hands on his hips.

"How sassy...", you mumbled as you stared at him. You then turned to the bluenette. "Don't listen to him Valt. You will always be my little baby!", you then placed your hands under his arms before raising him into the air. "And he's obviously jealous.", you stated.

"Yay! Take that Wakiya!", Valt cheered as he raised his hands in the air.

Wakiya glared up at the shorter male."Oh hush! At least I-!"

"Can you three be quiet?...", a quiet voice spoke.

Wakiya, Valt, and you turned around towards the door to see Shu, Honcho, and Daigo.

"Don't interrupt me!", Wakiya scoffed.

You laughed before placing Valt back on the ground. And you didn't know if it was your imagination, but you think you saw a small blush cover the cheeks of Doomscizor's owner. "Hello! Come closer! Just ignore the angry Goldilocks.", you covered your mouth with your hand to hide your smirk as Wakiya glared at you again.

Shu and Daigo nodded before walking towards you three while Honcho laughed and high fived you.

As the six of you walked towards the stadium, the blonde clad in mostly purple huffed. "Whatever. Now come and battle me (Y/N)!", he ordered while getting out his white and purple launcher and Wyvron. Wakiya turned his bey in his launcher while getting in his position on one side of the stadium.

"How demanding~", you teased while getting out your (f/c) launcher and (B/N). "But ok! Get ready to lose!", you said as you turned your bey in its launcher and got into your signature position on the opposite side of the stadium.

"I'll be the referee...", Daigo said as he got in place and put his hand above the stadium. He shyly stared at you before saying, "Ready... Set.". He pulled his hand back to his side.




"Let it... Rip!"

~Time Skip~

"I can't believe you beat Wakiya...", Daigo said quietly as you both sat on a bench at a park.

"You thought I didn't mean what I said? Oh, how you wound me so!", you playfully cried out as you delicately placed a hand on your chest.

Daigo chuckled lightly. "Was theater your second option for joining a club?...", he turned to look at you with a small smile.

"Ah! How rude!", you huffed and turned away from him to hide your smile.

"Hey, I'm just teasing you.", Daigo laughed softly before grabbing your hand. "Anyways, how did you beat Wakiya?..."

You turned back around to face him. "That's a little secret!", you winked. But this time you managed to see his cheeks slowly turn pink. "But I did spent all last night practicing to get it all right.", you smiled at him.

Daigo sighed and shook his head. "Let me walk you home. You need to rest. I know how you get when you don't sleep enough.", he smiled at you as you both stood up from the bench.

You just pouted at him. "But the sunset is very pretty...", you mumbled. "Just like you...", you whispered quietly as a pink blush rose to your cheeks.

Daigo looked at you in shock before blushing again. "That's supposed to be my line...", the ravenette sighed.

Before you could say anything, Daigo hugged you and kissed your cheek. "I love you (Y/N)... Can you please make me the happiest person alive by being my princess of light?...", he asked shyly.

Your blush immediately worsened as you nodded. "Of course my prince of darkness...", you hid you face in his chest as you giggled.

The both of you sat back down to see the sunset. Not as friends, but as lovers.

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