Cuza x Reader

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Aria: This didn't seem like much to me, but it actually has 1,000 words! Yay! Okay, so I think I feel a lot better now! Well, I just hope it stays that way for now. Anyway, this one-shot is 1,147 words long (not counting this little paragraph)!
This was requested by star_b_fly12
I hope you like it!

(f/c)= Favorite Color
(Y/N)= Your Name
(Y/C)= Your Country [If it's Spain, please choose a different country for the sake of the story]
(f/f)= Favorite Flavor
(e/c)= Eye Color

Boarding off the plane, you curiously looked around while tightly gripping one of the straps of your (f/c) backpack.

You had arrived at Spain since you were here on a mission...

And that mission was to surprise your boyfriend Cuza! It's been weeks since the last time you've seen him! So today was the day that you were going to surprise him by visiting him.

The only problem was... you didn't know where BC Sol, the team he was now in, was located at. So you decided to leave the airport and just walk around with your suitcase in hand.

As you walked, you looked at all of the shops around you. Spain was quite a beautiful place, so you couldn't resist taking your black and (f/c) camera out of your backpack to take pictures!

The scenery, the smells, absolutely everything was so interesting! It was your first time being away from your home country, so that was understandable.

As you turned around to take a picture of the clear blue sky, you suddenly heard a pair running footsteps. You paused and looked behind you to see who it was, but something ended up crashing into you.

As you landed on the ground with the thing on top of you, you were at least grateful for still having your backpack on or else the impact would have left a bruise. And luckily, your camera was still intact.

But now that you took a closer look at what had crashed into you, you could clearly see that it was a person. And that person was none other than-

"(Y/N)! You're here!", your boyfriend Cuza exclaimed, looking at you with bright yellow eyes.

You giggled at the male's antics as he stood up and helped you up as well. "I sure am! How did you know I was here?", you questioned the ravenette before safely putting your camera back into it's original place.

Cuza just chuckled before wrapping his arms around your waist. "I was just walking after finishing one of my shows! And then I saw you!", he answered before peppering your face with small kisses.

You giggled once more as you wrapped your arms around his neck. "I missed seeing your shows!", you said happily before stepping away from him. "But I missed you a lot more!", you exclaimed while looking up at him.

Cuza smiled, shyly scratching his right cheek with his right index finger as he blushed. "Well, I missed you more!", he said while putting his hand back down to look at you.

He then tilted his head in confusion. "But... How did you get here?", he curiously asked.

You laughed softly before answering him. "By plane of course!".

The ravenette laughed as well. "I know that! But isn't this like your first time away from (y/c)?", the male inquired.

"It sure is! I came here to surprise you!", you replied. "But it seems like I was the one who was surprised instead!", you softly said before tapping his nose.

Cuza nervously rubbed the back of his neck with his left hand. "Sorry about that!", the male apologized.

"Don't worry about it!", you said as you grabbed his right hand. "Wanna go get some ice cream?", you asked your boyfriend.

Cuza's golden eyes immediately brighten. "Sure! Let me show you the way!", the ravenette said eagerly as he began to gently pull you with him towards your destination.

~Time Skip~

The two of you soon walked out of the ice cream shop with your desired ice cream flavor. It was kind of difficult to choose what flavor to get though, but in the end, it all worked out.

As you both sat down on a bench at a park, Cuza's right hand still held your left hand as you both held your ice creams in your opposite hands.

"It's been a while since I've eaten ice cream!", you muttered softly as you looked at your (f/f) ice cream in awe.

Cuza chuckled slightly. "Really?", the male questioned as he turned his head to face you.

"Yep!", you responded before happily biting into your ice cream.

The ravenette couldn't help but think how adorable you looked. Especially with your cheeks beginning to get coated by your ice cream.

Turning to look at him, you tilted your head to the side. "Aren't you going to eat your ice cream?", you curiously asked.

Cuza rapidly blinked before softly laughing. "Yeah, I will!", he answered before leaning towards you. "But first...", the ravenette stuck his tongue out slightly.

You then squeaked softly at feeling his tongue lick your cheeks. "W-What are you doing?!", you questioned the male as your cheeks became pink.

Cuza leaned away from you. "You had some of your ice cream on your cheeks.", he smiled at you.

You shyly looked down at your lap. "O-Oh...", you mumbled as you continued to eat your ice cream.

The ravenette slightly tightened his grip on your left hand before placing a kiss on your head. "I'm lucky to have a cute girl like you as my girlfriend!", the male said before starting to eat his ice cream.

Blushing even more at his compliment, you remained silent. But a smile soon appeared on your face, which made your boyfriend mentally fanboy at how adorable you were being.

~Time Skip~

The sun was now setting as you and Cuza walked towards BC Sol. You were still a bit shy about what had happened earlier, but the ravenette didn't seem to mind at all.

"Oh yeah!", you exclaimed, causing your boyfriend to look at you curiously. "Where's Carl?", you asked while looking up at him.

"I had to leave him at BC Sol. I just felt like something special was going to happen today!", Cuza answered.

"Really? And did it happen?", you obliviously questioned him.

Now standing in front of BC Sol, the ravenette stopped the two of you from going further. He turned towards you before wrapping his arms around your waist. "Of course.", he said, leaning down so that both of your noses touched. "The special thing that happened today was you coming all the way here... just for me.", the male mumbled as his golden eyes stared into your (e/c) eyes lovingly.

Your blush came back, possibly even much more darker than last time, as you wrapped your arms around his neck. Standing on your tippy toes, you smiled. "I would do anything for you Cuza... because I love you.", you whispered.

Cuza's smile became even brighter as his lips came closer to yours. "I love you too (Y/N)... Never forget that.", he said before gently kissing you.

The two of you stood there as the sun shined it's last rays of light upon you, almost like a blanket of warmness surrounding you both in a protective manner.

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