Shu x Reader

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Aria: "WHY HAVEN'T YOU UPDATED?!" "IT'S BEEN 3 FREAKING MONTHS, YO!" I know why some of you may be mad at me! Not trying to mock you or whatever, but I just wanted to improve my writing, even if it was a little. Plus, you can't really blame me! This one-shot has very sensitive content. In other words, suicide.

It's a very sensitive topic that not many people speak about openly. A lot of people hide the fact that they get the thoughts to end their life. Frick, even I have the occasional thought of ending it as well! But, I know I can't actually do it. And I'll try not to end it, even if it's difficult.

Just know that every single one of you deserves to live. And if none of you can see that, then I'll personally sacrifice my sleep, get a job, get money, buy tickets or whatever, and either fly to where you are or freaking run to you to tell you how wrong you are!

If any of you ever need to talk, don't be scared to do so. I'll always be around to help you get through the hard times you may be going through at the moment. All of you matter so much to me, even if we have never talked or haven't talked in a while. Always remember that.

By the way, an interesting but sad fact that I learned was that before committing suicide, Japanese people take of their shoes in order to not track dirt into heaven.

But then again, Catholics believe that if you kill yourself, that's a sin.

Man, cultures sure a very different nowadays.

This one-shot was requested by Mikazuki_Otori and is 3,476 words long. Please read with caution, even though this doesn't contain much self-harm.

(Y/N) = Your Name
(L/N) = Last Name
(B/N) = Beyblade Name

"Just another dull day... nothing to save me from this madness... no one to save me from these terrible thoughts..." you mumbled to yourself as you slowly walked out of the house.

'Why does life have to be so unfair to people?...' you thought to yourself after closing and locking the front door. After making sure no one was watching you, you tightly wrapped your arms around yourself before beginning your journey to school.

A few shivers ran down your spine as you felt like you were... being watched. You normally felt this way whenever you were outside.

You just didn't feel safe out of the house. You could feel them judging you... judging your every move.

Of course, it was only a feeling, but it still made you feel anxious. Your thoughts grew darker everytime a person's eyes skimmed over you.

It wasn't your fault you were like this... was it?

It probably was.

You see, your mother was diagnosed with depression after her lover left her when he found out she was pregnant. Ever since the day you were born, your mother has neglected you. You had to be taken away from her and given to another family to be taken care of.

The family that now has custody over you are the Murasaki's. They were.... nice.

You have only seen Mrs. Murasaki a few times, a lot less than Mr. Murasaki. Even though they seemed very intimidating, they were polite and caring once you got to know them. But Wakiya...

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