Wakiya x Reader

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Aria: I'm back! Again... I really need to start writing these a lot faster. But I feel as if they should all be at least 1000 words or more... I don't know why. But anyways, I have been feeling kind of down lately. I might explain why in my rant book. Anywho, this one-shot is 1,923 words long (not counting this small paragraph and the warning)!
This was requested by Dark_Diamond_16

Well, this is a depressed Wakiya x Reader, but I don't think I made him that depressed... I failed! How could I?! I just don't know! I couldn't think of ideas of why he would be depressed other than him not- Wait. Just read and see my reason. It's probably terrible though!

(s/c)= Skin Color
(Y/N)= Your Name
(e/c)= Eye Color
(f/c)= Favorite Color

"Hey Wakiya... What's wrong?", you quietly asked as you sat beside him on his bed.

"You... haven't been yourself these past few weeks... I'm becoming even more worried as the days go by...", you sighed softly as you looked at the red carpet covering his bedroom floor.

The blond male exhaled quietly as he didn't spare you a single glance. "I'm... okay. I don't know what you're talking about.", he answered absentmindedly.

"Wakiya...", you pushed on, placing your (s/c) hand on his shoulder as you turned to look at him. "I've known you ever since we were kids. After all, your father and my father work for the same company... The two of us meeting was inevitable.", you explained to him as if it was the millionth time that day.

"(Y/N)... I said I'm fine. You don't have to worry about me all the time.", the male said as he gently took your hand off his shoulder. "That's the reason why maids and butlers exist.", he told you as he placed your hand down beside you.

You kept looking at him, trying to decipher what was causing Wakiya to act so out of character. "But... you know I can't help but worry...", you whispered to him as you held his hand.

The blond just looked at his lap. "I know that... But the reason is stupid anyway...", he muttered.

You slowly let go of the male's hand, got into a comfortable sitting position, and pulled him towards you so his head landed on your lap.

"W-What?! (Y/N)! What are you-?!", the male stuttered out before feeling your right hand gently rub his cheek. The action immediately caused him to keep his mouth close.

"Wakiya... No matter how stupid the reason may be, I want you to tell me... I want to know what is causing you to act like this... Please...", you quietly asked him as you looked into his blue eyes.

The aforementioned male just timidly looked into your (e/c) eyes before looking away again.

"Wakiya...", you sighed while not looking away from him. "Don't you trust me?...", you asked as sadness started to seep into your voice.

The blond tightly closed his eyes at hearing your words full of pain. Inhaling deeply before exhaling once more, he opened his eyes and looked at you. "Alright... You deserve to know, so I'll tell you... Ok?...", he nervously told you before looking away again.

"Ok...", you responded, patiently waiting for the male to continue.

"I... Umm... You already know about my parents not always being there for me, right?...", he asked you, looking into your eyes to calm himself down.

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