Aiga x Reader

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Aria: I'm back from the dead! I'm sorry it took so long since I was just thinking of what to do for the cute little red bean! This one-shot is only 871 words long (not counting this paragraph) and it could've been longer but I couldn't think of anything else. I'm sorry if I have disappointed you!

Anyways, this was requested by Kaitou_beyblade

Please don't kill me if it's not good enough.

(B/N)= Bey Name
(Y/N)= Your Name
(f/c)= Favorite Color
(s/c)= Skin Color
(e/c)= Eye Color

"Ha! I win again!" You yelled proudly while bending down to pick up your partner, (B/N), and Screw Trident. Once you were standing up straight again, you walked towards Toko.

The boy sighed, but smiled none the less. "You sure did." He said while you handed him his bey.

"Well, if you keep practicing, you will get better, I promise! I'll even help you if you want." You said cheerfully while smiling at him.

Toko smiled back. "Sure! Thanks for the help (Y/N)!" The bluenette said happily.

You both got in place to launch again but a loud voice interrupted the two of you.


Turning around, you saw a familiar maroon haired male running towards you.

"You promised you were going to battle me!" The boy yelled, stopping in front of you with an angry face.

"What a pain..." You mumbled in frustration. You grabbed his wrist and pulled him towards the bench. "Sit and be patient. I'll finish this battle soon, alright Aiga?"

The male just crossed his arms and pouted before sitting down.

You giggled quietly before turning around to walk away. Standing on the opposite side of the stadium from Toko, you got ready to launch. "Ready?" You asked.

"Yep!" The blue haired male nodded.

"Alright... Ready, set!" You loudly said.




"Let it... Rip!"

The both of you launched your beys simultaneously.

You looked up at Toko while not losing concentration. "Stay calm and don't lose focus." You commanded.

Toko looked up at you and nodded. "Ok." He said seriously before looking back down at the two beys.

You then spoke again, but not to the bluenette. "Like what you see?~" You teasingly ask the male who was currently sitting down.

Aiga immediately blushed. "S-Shut up! I'm not l-looking at y-you!" He stuttered out.

You turn around to smirk at him. "How do you know I was asking you?~" You rose one of your eyebrows up.

Aiga's blush darkened.

You laugh quietly before paying attention to the battle again. "(B/N), burst him!" You ordered.

A (f/c) aura surrounded you and your bey. (B/N) followed your command and bursted Trident in mere seconds

Toko looked at his bey in shock before sighing. "You won again." The bluenette picked up his partner before putting him back together. "But anyways, you're so strong (Y/N)! Can you help me more tomorrow?" Toko asked excitedly with a bright smile.

"Of course. See you later!" You said before being dragged away by an ecstatic Aiga.

~Time Skip~

"How do you keep beating me!?" Aiga yelled out in frustration.

You just sighed. "I started blading years before you. So that's one reason. Another reason is because I know
(B/N) like the back of my hand. Plus, I trust and believe in my partner. We have been through everything together, whether it was good or bad." You said gently while looking at your bey in adoration.

Aiga unconsciously walked towards you as he stared at you in amazement. He knew you were the one for him. Sure, you were both polar opposites, but you were his everything. His-

"And another reason you lost was because you were staring at me~" You smirked at him.

Aiga blushed as soon as you said that. "I-I was not! H-How would you know anyway!? Y-You weren't staring at m-me, w-were you!?" He yelled at you. His face showed anger, yet it was still adorned by a blush.

You began to laugh. "I wasn't staring at you! But I sure felt you staring at me!" Your laughing soon stopped. "But anyways, did you know you look cute when you blush?~" You lowered your voice to a whisper as you gently placed your left (s/c) hand on his right cheek.

Aiga's blush became darker as he stared into your sparkling (e/c). He gulped quietly before leaning towards you.

You stared at his turquoise eyes before placing your right index finger on his lips.

His eyebrows furrowed in confusion before his expression slowly became sad.

You smiled at him gently to reassure him. "I'll only kiss you if you admit you were staring at me~" You offered.

Aiga started blushing again. "You... You set me up! It's not fair!" He cried out before quickly backing away and covering his face with his hands. "But... Fine. I was staring at you..." The male mumbled quietly.

Your smile widened as you got closer to him. "Sorry, what was that?~ I couldn't hear what you said~" You whispered as you gently grabbed his wrists to uncover his face.

Aiga looked at you as his blush became even worse. He tightly closed his eyes in embarrassment before saying, "A-Alright, I was staring at you-!"

You interrupted his sentence by softly kissing him and pulling away.

Aiga stood there, frozen in shock. His blush was practically an unidentified shade of red right now.

You softly giggled before hugging him. You sure fell hard for the loud, arrogant, but still sweet blader in front of you.

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