Ukyo x Reader

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Aria: I'm surprised I managed to write a one-shot and update this book in almost a week. I'm still a bit stressed since I have been getting many school projects but I must stay calm and not panic. But I may panic about having three bad grades on my interim. Anyways, this does not mean that I will keep updating so soon like today. I still need time to think up of ideas for the remaining one-shots after all.

Not counting this author's note, this one-shot is 1,270 words long and was requested by Xx-Galaxy-Girly-xX

I hope you enjoy this fluffy one-shot of your dear Ukyo! Sorry for the wait.

(Y/N)= Your Name
(B/N)= Bey's Name
(H/C)= Hair Color

"(Y/N), cuddle with me." Ukyo whined softly while his arms wrapped around your midsection, stopping you from launching your bey, (B/N). His chin rested on your shoulder, causing his aqua blue locks to brush against your neck.

"W-Wait! Let me just launch this again!" You replied with a small chuckle. Raising a hand to move your boyfriend's hair aside, you prepared to launch again, even though the male's arms refused to let go of your smaller form.

If anyone were to be watching, they would have found the situation and position very comical. Lucky for the both of you, all of the members of the dojo were busy doing exercises outside.




"Let it... Rip!"

After launching your partner into the stadium, you observed the way it spun around gracefully. From time to time, it would get out of control before regaining its balance in seconds.

All the while, Ukyo watched as well. You had gotten a lot stronger ever since you first arrived. And it had not been that long too. As he stood behind you, the male drifted off into his thoughts.


You had stepped through the threshold of the dojo's entrance, demanding a battle from every single person in the large room. They thought it was sort of incredulous. Did you have the strength to defeat everyone here?

Well, you proved them wrong. Even though you were a tiny bit smaller than the boys your age, you sure did pack a punch. To you, the ones that had put up a fight were Yugo, Quon, and Ukyo.

Your battles with the three males lasted at least 10 to 15 minutes each. Although when your time to battle Xander came... you lost with a burst finish 3 minutes into the battle.

"Aw, man. I thought I would've won but it seems I have a lot of work to do." You sighed, scratching the back of your head after picking up (B/N).

"Hey, it's alright! I think you did pretty well!" The tall redhead replied while he picked up his bey, Xcalius, as well.

"I'm quite impressed that you almost managed to defeat all of us." A voice said from behind you. Turning around, you came face to face with a male that donned an outfit consisting of cool colors, those being shades of blue, purple, and green.

"Really? You think so?" You asked softly, looking down at the wooden floor bashfully.

"Yes. You could become a lot stronger if you joined us. What do you think?" Ukyo suggested, thinking about how cute you looked when you were being shy.

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