A/N: I said I'm gonna go back to old one shots but today is my birthday so I wanted to do this. It's really rushed so it also sucks because I don't want to spent my birthday on my phone. Thank you for reading! Enjoy! 1394 words.
I woke up for my most special day in a year. My birthday. Usually I wouldn't wear a dress but today I'm feeling happy so I'm gonna wear it.I put on my black short sleeved dress, my white snickers and promise ring Mattheo gave me. I can't wait to see Mattheo.
I walked downstairs into a Great hall where I know the whole group will be. There they are having breakfast. I waked over to them and sat next to Mattheo.
"Wow, love, what's the occasion?" Mattheo asks. In that moment my world stopped. Nobody even looked up everyone forgot it's my birthday.
I look up at him. I knew exactly when he's lying and now he actually forgot. Wow, and here I though I was actually important to someone but I was wrong.
My face fell but I quickly put on a fake smile. "Oh, just felt like it." I say. "I see you guys at class." I say getting up.
I took a toast in my hand. We don't want to say hungry on our... normal day. As I'm walking down the corridor I bumped into Lorenzo who's holding something.
"Shit." he curses. "What's that?" I ask. "That is your birthday present! Happy birthday!" he says.
I hug him at least one person remembered. "Thank you so much." I say. "Open it, open it." Lorenzo screams like 5-year old. I opened it. "Omg, you didn't." I say in disbelief. "I did." he says. It was a sequel to my book but there is only one copy in the whole world.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you so much." I said hugging him. "You're welcome but now we both need to get to class so we won't be late." he says. "Yeah, see ya." I say.
After 6 miserable classes I went to my dorm. I'm just doing my homework when sudently my phone rang. I picked it up. Mattheo's calling. Maybe he didn't forgot.
~on the call~
Mattheo: "Hey, darling."Y/n: "Hi!"
Mattheo: "I know we had plans to hang out later but my friends found this new game so I'm sorry but I'll have to cancel if that's okay with you. I'm so so sorry. I'll make it up to you." My heart sunked.
Y/n: "Yeah, that's okay. Have fun with your friends." I say with tears in my eyes.
Mattheo: "Thank you, bye."
Y/n: "B-" he hung up before air could even say goodbye.
I sunk down to the floor. How could everyone forget?
I'm just playing Fortnite with a group. I don't know what's with Y/n whole day. She seemed strange.We're in the middle of the game when Lorenzo walks in. "Where's Y/n?" he asks. "In her dorm." I say.
"Perfect. So what are you planning?" he asked. What? "What are you talking about? What are we planning?" I ask.
"For Y/n birthday. It's today. Don't tell me you guys forgot." he says. Shit. We all immediately stand up. I slaped myself. How could I forgot? The most important day in a year. I'm so stupid! I'm such an idiot.
"You're telling me you guys forgot a birthday of Y/n, nicest girl on the planet, the one who organized all of your birthdays, the one who made your life hundred times better. You forgot?" he whisper yells.
How could I? I don't deserve her. I got up and head to her dorm. I hear sobs inside of her dorm making me feel even worse. She's crying on her birthday.
I walk in and she wipes her tears away. "Hey, what's up?" she says trying to hide the fact I caught her crying. I hugged her.
"I'm so so so so sorry. It totally slipped my mind. I know I shouldn't forgot and I'm terribly sorry. You deserved best birthday ever and I did nothing but opposite of that and I'm so sorry. It totally slipped my mind and I know that isn't a good excuse for what I did." I say with tears in my eyes as well.
She pulls away from the hug. "No, it's not a good excuse. Cause your birthday didn't slipped my mind, Daphne's birthday didn't slipped my mind, Theodore's birthday didn't slipped my mind, Blaise's birthday didn't slipped my mind, Draco's birthday didn't slipped my mind, Pansy's birthday didn't slipped my mind, god damm Tom's birthday didn't slipped my mind but my did. My birthday slipped everyone's minds except for Lorenzo. And I finally thought I was important to someone but I guess I was wrong." she says tears streaming from her eyes again.
"No, don't say that, you're the most important person in my life and I'm a dumb jerk that doesn't deserves you and would die without you." I say.
We were both crying. "Please let me make it up to you. I'll do anything. Anything." I said begging her.
"Fine, I know I shouldn't but I don't want to spent this birthday alone. I'm giving you one last chance you mess this up and we're done." she says.
I can't mess this up. "I won't. Thank you, thank you, thank you." I say kissing her tears away. She giggled. "Okay, meet me at Astronomy Tower at 17 o'clock." I say walking out of her dorm but my eyes not leaving her.
"Ok." she says closing the door. I run back to common room with a smile making everyone sigh in relief.
"Daphne, it's time." I say. "Time for what?" boys asked. "You see I didn't tell you one thing." I started with.
I'm already ready because I though my friends wouldn't forget my birthday but whatever.I walk onto Astronomy Tower to see beautiful decorations all over it. It looks amazing.
I spot Mattheo. "Hey" I said. "Hi!" he greated. "You look fabulous, fantastic, wonderful and beautiful. I have no words to describe it." he says. "Well, thank you." I say.
"Come, sit down." he says while pulling out the chair for me. I sat down and mumbled thank you.
"Do you like it?" he says and I nod. "It's wonderful" I say. "Thank you, I had a bit of help." he says making me laugh.
We ate dinner and talked for a bit. "Wanna go for a walk?" he asks standing up. "Sure!" I say wrapping my arms around his.
We walked and talked. We got to the Black lake when he sudently stopped. "Y/n, I never told you the acual reason why I forgot your birthday." he says.
He lied to me. Why? "And what's that?" I ask. "I was planning one other event for you. And I wanted it to be so perfect I got lost in it. And that's why your birthday totally slipped my mind cause I was planning something better?" he says. Something better? Ofc, there's something more important than me.
"And what's that?" I ask annoyed. He then got down on one knee. No way. OMG, THIS IS HAPPENING. Maybe he's just tying his shoe. His shoes don't have shoelaces. OMG, IF HE PROPOSES!
"Y/n Y/l/n, you're the best thing that has happened in my life. You got me out of the darkness into the light, into your light. You make me a better person. And life without you wouldn't have any sense. I can't lose you and I can't live without you. You saved me. And my intentions over this past few months were nothing but getting you to change your last name. So Y/n Y/l/n would you get rid of that last name, made me the happiest person on the planet and became Y/n Riddle by marrying me? Or should I say will you marry me?" he asked pulling out beautiful diamond ring.
OMG. "YES, YES, I'LL MARRY YOU MATTHEO. I'll marry you." I say. His lips smash onto mine as he slides the beautiful diamond ring on my finger. He spun me around while smiling. I got my happy birthday.

𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬 (𝑴.𝑹. ~ 𝑴𝒂𝒕𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒐 𝑹𝒊𝒅𝒅𝒍𝒆)
FanfictionMattheo Riddle one shots, first few are very cringe but it gets better as you go♡