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Me and Mattheo broke up month ago. Apparently he never liked me and I was just a dare.

Right now he's dating Astoria, most popular girl but also the biggest slut in Hogwarts. Astoria bullied me since our first year. I don't know what I did to piss her off but I guess she's just a bitch for no reason.

Today I have beauty contest and I'm competing against Astoria and1 all other girls in Hogwarts.

I came and left my photos for competition to headmaster. Now the whole school has to vote and then they will publish results.

It's also funny because headmaster decided to publish who vote for who so there won't be any 'it wasn't fair'. 3, 2, 1...and results are out.

I pushed through the crowd to see what place am I in. I started from the bottom and as I'm going higher and higher there still isn't my name anywhere I got to top three.

I'm not third but I am second and first is Astoria of course. It's always her. Why couldn't it be me for once.

I look down to see the votes. Astoria won by one vote. One vote. And guess whose vote is that. Vote of mother fucking Mattheo Riddle.

Of course he vote for her. She's his girlfriend. Why wouldn't he. Ugh, why do I still have feelings for him.

Just then Astoria passed by me. "Oh, first place, what a surprise. Y/n, what happend, sad cause you finally realized you are made for second place." Mattheo then walked over to her. I could see a glimpse of regret in his eyes.

"Yup, I wish you well!" I said and she looked shocked but then I added "In hell!" and walked away hearing the cheers around me. I swear I even saw small smirk on Mattheo's face.

Later I walked into Great hall to have lunch. I sat next to Daphne, she's maybe Astoria's sister but she's so much different, she's my best friend and despises her sister as much as I.

"Hey!" I said. "Hey! I heard what happened, I'm sorry." she said. "Nothing to be sorry for I'll just have to learn to live in second place." I said to her.

I started putting food on my plate. I always put much but I also work out so I always stay the same size. Just then miss. Aswhoria (and yes I said it correct) came and sat right opposite of me.

I already prepared for comments. "How much can you eat? That's why you were in second place. Because you're fat." she said more like yelled. I got up with my plate.

"Where are you going? Did I hurt your feelings?" she said in mocking voice. "No, I just want to eat in peace without having a whore next to myself. And Astoria you couldn't hurt a bug even if you wanted to so I can't see how can you hurt my feelings." I roasted her.

"Take that bitchy attitude somewhere else." she said. "I will because you can handle bad bitch like me." I fight back.

"You're talking like you're important. You can't do anything to me." she said. "Oh, really?" I asked and swung my fist right in her nose. "Next time you say something to me you will get much worse then a broken nose." I said spitting on her shoe and walking away.

~next day~

I walked into Great hall and everyone's eyes were on me. Nice, everyone liked the show. I sat down next to Lorenzo, my bestie.

As we talk I heard something. I heard Mattheo, Astoria and few more popular students talking.

"So like you guys are official?" Adrian asked. "Yes." Astoria answered. "Did you guys said I love you to each other yet?" Marcus asked. "Of course. I love you baby." Astoria said side hugging Mattheo.

𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬 (𝑴.𝑹. ~ 𝑴𝒂𝒕𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒐 𝑹𝒊𝒅𝒅𝒍𝒆)Where stories live. Discover now