Third Verse

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Wine red blood was slowly draining from the shooting wound, forming a pool on the marble floor of the hotel room. Hanni adjusted her sunglasses on her forehead and narrowed her eyes. The sight was very pleasant.

The filthy, mid-aged man at her feet started to cough more blood as his whole body trembled in pain. Life was draining out of him.

Hanni crouched down to look at the man better. His eyes were blurred, but as Hanni came closer, they fixed on her. They were pleading for help.

Hanni scoffed at the sight. "That's what you get for kidnapping young children and abusing them."

That's right. Bastards like him didn't deserve to live. It was her job to make sure they'd suffer as much as their victims. That is why Hanni did this job. Her company only targeted people who were completely rotten.

The man's hand moved weakly. Even after all the blood loss, he tried to use his last strength to beg for help. But it was no use. He was going to die.

Hanni was about to tell him something more but she was stopped by the vibration of her phone. Confused, she took the ringing phone from the back pocket of her black jeans and looked at the screen. It was her boss.

Quickly, Hanni got up and stepped over the nearly dead body, making sure to avoid the slowly growing blood pool. She swiped the green button and walked closer to the huge windows of the room. She could see half of the city over here.

"Yes, Miss?"

"Pham. Is the job done yet?" A young woman's voice asked.

"Yes, he's bleeding to death, just as you requested."

Hanni could hear the man moving, probably in shock after hearing the conversation.

"Good. I know this is sudden but it's urgent. I need you to handle another case," she kept a break, "tonight."


Hanni's eyes were fixed on the city view. She was watching the street before the hotel, closely. She did not want to get unwanted guests.

"What's the mission?"

Whenever a mission was given, there was usually a few days time to study the target and pick a perfect place and time to finish the job. But this had be very urgent.

"Tonight, 8 PM, Seoul's Art Center, there will be an opera. One of our targets is confirmed to enter before leaving the country for good. This is our only chance. If you choose to accept, I will send you the further information."

"I accept, Miss."

"Very well. Don't let me down, Pham." She ended the call.

Hanni lowered the phone from her ear. It had been a while since she had last been to an opera. She wouldn't mind going, she had always loved the magical music and the hypnotizing rhythm.

Her phone buzzed. An email appeared on her screen. Quickly, she opened it with one tap.

The email contained the target's profile and further information about the mission. Hanni read through the main points quickly.

• Name: Kim Sang-hoon
• Found guilty of: Theft and resale of official state papers, state fraud.
...elimination will happen during the third verse... The necessary equipment has been sent to the usual place.

Hanni finished reading. A traitor? And he thinks he can get away with it? She hummed, amused, and turned on her heels and walked to the counter where her bag was laying.

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