Her Name

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Lisa stood in a quiet alley, leaning on her car. It was already getting dark and she felt the cold night wind on her face. Irritated, she gritted her teeth. How in the hell did she get herself into this mess again?

If she had a choice, she would be sitting on her sofa right now, drinking some hot chocolate and watching a series, but instead she was standing in a cold, abandoned alley where she would meet up with her customer very soon.

And what's worse, it wasn't just any customer.

It was the CEO of KSA himself.

Lisa looked around the alley. It was needless to say that she was nervous. Who was stupid enough to meet with someone as influential as the head of KSA? Or any customer for that matter.

In this kind of business, keeping the face anonymous was more important than anything else. It was very rare for the customer and the dealer to meet up personally because most of the time, it just brought unnecessary risks.

So why had KSA requested Lisa's presence? What could they possibly get out of it?

Everything about the situation seemed off and at first, Lisa was going to refuse. The trap had already done its job. They had found out who the Vietnamese worked for. But then things had gotten complicated as Minji had got a great idea to recruit Hanni for her mission and the two of them started to work together.

Having Hanni in the team was already risky itself but of course, Lisa had no say in it. It was all Minji's plan.

When Minji had heard that KSA was interested in the sniper rifle Lisa was selling and that they wanted to meet her personally for the deal, she had come up with this absurd idea of asking the CEO's presence.

If the customer wanted to meet Lisa personally, the CEO should be present as well. That way, even if something went wrong with Hanni, they'd still have the upper hand knowing the face of KSA.

Surprisingly, the company had agreed to the requirement, which worried Lisa even more.

She couldn't help but sigh. Sometimes she really just didn't understand Minji. The woman acted like a reckless, ten-year-old kid. And one day it would cost her dearly.

Though Lisa had to admit that Minji's plan was clever, scary even. And she was glad their mission yesterday morning had been a success, although there had been some complications. In the end, the target was dead.

Minji hadn't really talked much about the mission's details. All Lisa knew, was that the woman had been trapped in the building but had managed to escape.

Lisa was woken up from her thoughts when suddenly car headlights painted her whole figure. Startled, she covered her eyes from the bright light. She heard how the car was parked and then the lights went out.

Carefully, she lowered her hand and realized that she was looking at a black BMW i5.

It was dark, but Lisa could still see how the car's door opened and a tall figure stepped out from the back seat. To her surprise, the figure seemed very petite, feminine even.

But as the person walked closer, Lisa began to realize that it was indeed a woman. Her eyes widened.

Soon, a very stylish, young woman was standing in front of her. Automatically, Lisa's eyes scanned the newcomer.

The woman was wearing a plaid, turtleneck shirt with black business pants and a belt. Her blonde hair was braided to the right side and on her ears, she had massive earrings. Her brown eyes were looking at Lisa coldly, but Lisa did not flinch. She was completely hypnotized by the beauty in front of her. The woman was perhaps the most beautiful person she had ever seen.

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