Mess Of Events

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"Oh you gotta be kidding me."

Lisa stared at the sight in front of her. Her head was hurting and her stomach felt empty but she was sure she wasn't dreaming or hallucinating. But why did it have to be the CEO of KSA?

"Of all the damn people..," she mumbled to herself, rubbing her eyes as if the sight would disappear.

The blonde was sitting around a table, reading a newspaper. She closed the paper and turned to look at Lisa. "Good morning to you too," she smiled a smile that was filled with venom.

Lisa growled, irritated. "Where the fuck am I?" She looked around the apartment. It definitely wasn't hers, luckily, she rolled her eyes.

"This is one of my apartments in the city," the woman shrugged, unbothered by the rude tone of the tall one.

"So you kidnapped me?"

"No," the woman continued reading the newspaper, "If I remember correctly, you were quite willing to come with me after I told you to."

"I was drunk!" Lisa snapped angrily.

"Oh I know," the blonde smirked, without raising her look. It was as if she wasn't interested in the whole situation.

Lisa pinched her nose bridge, feeling a new wave of irritation hitting her. She was having the worst hangover ever and it didn't help that she was sharing the room with her enemy. How did this even happen? She barely remembered anything about last night.

"You must understand it's just the protocol. A person who is as drunk as you were last night is a serious risk and a potential leak," she turned a page, "Though, quite irresponsible on your side as well. What led you to act so recklessly anyway?"

"It's not your concern," Lisa hissed, feeling her headache getting worse, "You can keep your protocol to yourself, I'm out of here." She was about to take a step when the angelic voice stopped her.

"Why don't you calm down for a second and sit down?"

The blonde was pointing at a side table next to her. Lisa glanced at the table and saw a glass of water and two painkillers placed on it. She narrowed her eyes at the woman before walking to the table and drinking down the medicine. She placed the glass loudly on the table and crossed her arms.

"And what now? You gonna try to talk me over to join your shitty company or what?"

She couldn't help her rude tone. She felt vulnerable and anxious in the place where the blonde had taken her. God knows what had happened last night, she was praying that she hadn't revealed anything critical to the CEO.

Or worse, reveal information on Minji.

"Well, since you brought it up... I have what you asked for."

Lisa's eyes lit up the moment she saw the woman taking out a small USB stick and placing it on the table.

She found them? She identified the people who stabbed Minji?

As fast as lightning, Lisa dashed forward. Would this be a chance to prove to Minji that she only wanted to protect her? But before she could touch it, the woman snatched it out of her reach. Lisa froze.

"Quite well from a shitty company like mine, don't you agree?" Finally, the blonde closed the paper and turned to Lisa. She was smiling thinly, her eyes gleaming almost ironically.

Lisa rolled her eyes, "What do you want? An apology?" She scoffed, "You're not getting one."

"I want your part of the deal."

"What?" Lisa nearly laughed, "I left you a clear clue on her, it's not my fault your team wasn't able to catch her!"

Suddenly, the blonde stood up from her seat so that she was standing only a few inches apart from Lisa. "Your clue led us to an empty house!" She hissed, "If you want this information you give me what I want!"

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