Change Of Plans

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Minji led Hanni through the backyard. They were heading to the small building where Minji kept some of her weapons. Once they reached it, she put down her bag that she had been carrying and started searching for the keys.

Hanni behind her yawned.

"Feeling tired?" Minji asked sarcastically, without raising her look from the bag.

Hanni rolled her eyes as a response. Of course she was tired. Minji had shown up at her apartment way earlier than she had wanted and on top of that, Hyein had kept her late at headquarters. After that she'd had so much on her mind that she had barely slept. 

How on earth would she manage two missions at the same time? 

Finally Minji pulled out the keys and opened the door to the small wooden building that seemed like a shed. Hanni furrowed her brows as Minji stepped in. What did the woman want to pick up from this weird building?

"Come in," came Minji's voice.

Hanni held back her yawn and walked closer. She opened the door a bit more to have a better look inside. 

Her jaw dropped. 

There Minji was standing, observing the wall on which many different types of sniper rifles were hung. Every wall of the shed had at least four snipers and some of them Hanni recognized to be very rare or valuable. But the room did not only contain snipers. There were knives, guns, even some kind of liquid and all kinds of equipment that were needed for...

Hanni felt a cold shiver running through her back as she looked at Minji again. "You're... an assassin," her voice was almost a whisper. 

She had guessed that Minji wasn't a mere sniper, but still the sight got her by surprise. 

Minji moved her look from the wall to the woman who was still standing at the door, looking stunned, "I thought you had figured out by now," she said, uninterested and focused her eyes on the snipers again. 

"Ah," Her eyes lit up as she reached out her hand and picked up one of the sniper rifles on the wall, "I think this one is perfect for you," she almost threw the weapon at Hanni.

Startled, Hanni dashed forward to catch the sniper. 

Gosh, this woman, she grinned, before taking a look at the sniper in her hands. She recognized it immediately, it was a MAS FR-F3 sniper rifle, not particularly rare but it was expensive for sure.

Hanni furrowed her brows.

"It has a little thin range but it's very handy and it's suitable for close shots," Minji spoke as her finger traced another sniper. She then picked it up from the wall and turned to Hanni, "Alright, let's go."

Hanni glanced at the room one last time before turning on her heels and walking out. Minji locked the door after them and picked up the bag she had left on the ground. 

"This way," she pointed to the edge of the yard where a thin forest began. She then led Hanni across the yard to a small forest path.

Hanni quickened her pace to catch up with the tall woman. "Don't you think you're being a bit too... careless?" She glanced at Minji, who was now walking next to her.

"No, why? Do you think I am?" Minji raised her brows.

"I mean... you keep all your weapons in such an open place where anyone can get in? Is your Snow Owl there as well?"

Minji let out a laughter, "You wish! You keep forgetting I'm a professional, I think I know how to handle my things safely," she kept a break, "But it's cute that you're worried about me."

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