Broken Trust

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Minji held the wine glass in her hand, staring at the person in front of her. The wine she had thrown on Lisa was slowly dripping from the glass, staining the floor with red dots. Her mind was foggy and she could barely recognize the person she used to call a close friend. 

Lisa shook off the wine on her.

"Minji... Whatever this is about..!" she began.

"I know about Hanni," Minji snarled and tightened her grip on the glass.  

"Hanni was a traitor! What else is there to know?!" Lisa snapped, her words full of anger.

Minji slammed the glass on the counter so hard that Lisa flinched.

"A traitor?" She let out a laughter, running her fingers through her hair, "So, you still think that I don't know what you've been up to?" Minji narrowed her eyes at the brunette, "That I don't know about your little meetings with the CEO?"

Right then, Lisa's expression turned around. Her eyes were full of dismay and she took a step back, stumbling away from Minji.

Minji stepped closer, "Is there something else you've leaked other than my address, hm? My whereabouts? My condition? Or my name?" She kept going, approaching Lisa like a thunderstorm. Her voice was sweet like roses but every inch of her was tensed, shaking from fury.

There was a flash of uncertainty in Lisa's eyes, "You– but how..."

"Did you think that I wouldn't find out?" Minji hissed, "That it didn't raise questions when you suddenly insisted on selling my house and moving away? And just how convenient it was that you happened to have the money for this apartment."

Minji forced Lisa to back off another step until the brunette was practically glued against the wall. Shock was written all over Lisa's face as Minji leaned closer, with a devilish look on her face.

"What did you do? Work for that bitch? Or did you sell my information to her?" 

"W-wait, I-I can explain," Lisa stuttered, hastily.

"Hah!" Minji scoffed, enraged, "Very well then, explain!" She smiled, sarcastically. "Explain why you've been seeing her behind my back, explain why you lied about the footage and pretended not to know about anything that was going on. Oh and explain why you lied about Hanni and threatened her!" She clenched her hands into fists, feeling a sudden burst of anger, "How could you do that to her!? HOW!?! EXPLAIN!!" Minji yelled. 

The apartment fell silent. The words she had yelled out circled in her head and she breathed heavily, trying to calm down her rage. She waited for an answer but there were none.

Lisa was silent, looking confused and shocked at the same time. Then her expression changed visibly. Resentment was all over her face.

"Of course this is about her," she sighed before slowly pushing herself up and walking past Minji, "All this, because of her..," she muttered, sounding amused.

Minji stood still, taken aback by Lisa's sudden change of attitude. She turned around. Lisa had walked back to the counter and was now holding the wine bottle, pouring the red liquid into the glass. She drank it with one shot. 

Minji didn't move. Something about the atmosphere made her feel uneasy. 

"So you met her, didn't you?" Lisa placed the glass on the counter, looking at the living room windows. She seemed uninterested and her posture was relaxed but Minji could tell something was wrong. 

"I should have guessed it. She just doesn't learn, does she?" The brunette scoffed, turning her look away, irritated. "I can't believe this."

Minji could only stare, an outraged expression on her face. She couldn't believe a word Lisa was saying.

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