A Mistake

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A/N: This chapter is a bit longer than the others (and messier) but I still hope you enjoy!!


The elevator doors opened and Minji stepped into the room. She walked to the door on the opposite side of the room and pressed the staff card on the lock. The lock turned green and she opened the door, stepping out onto the hotel roof terrace. Hanni followed right behind her, carrying a big bag and a black suitcase in her hands.

Minji narrowed her eyes as the sunlight hit her face. It was still early in the morning.

"Let's go through it one more time," Minji spoke, as they headed to the other side of the roof terrace.

Hanni nodded.

"Eight twenty, I will dress up as an IT tech and walk into the building, showing my fake ID to the guards. Then I will find the back door and place the bomb," Hanni talked calmly.

"Good," Minji stopped a short distance from the edge of the roof. There was a small, black fence that stopped her from looking down to the street. She turned to the Vietnamese behind her, who had just placed down the bags.

"Lisa will open the door to the back entrance for you. But it'll only be open for maybe two to ten minutes, so make it quick. Place the bomb and get out, understood?"

Hanni nodded again.

"We will meet in the street behind the hotel, where we parked the rented car. You'll wait for me there and when I'm done, we'll escape the scene," Minji finished.

Hanni looked at the woman who was standing in front of her. The plan was surely risky, but there was no sign of hesitation in Minji's eyes.

They had gone through it many times. Hanni took a deep breath.

She was ready.

"Alright," Minji glanced at the watch on her wrist, "it's almost time. Let's get ready."

Hanni crouched down to the bag and opened it. She was about to take out the pieces of her sniper riffle when suddenly a phone started ringing. She glanced up at Minji.

Minji took the phone from her pocket and looked at the screen.

"It's Lisa," she said to Hanni, "just a moment," she walked a bit further and once she was sure Hanni didn't hear them, she picked the call.

"Lisa, great timing, we're in position. Did you get in?"

There was soft laughter on the other side of the phone. Immediately, a mischievous grind appeared on Minji's face.

"Do you know how lucky you are to have someone like me? Not anyone could hack through so many layers of security," Lisa's sweet voice was heard.

"How could I forget? You remind me daily," Minji rolled her eyes, but she couldn't hide her smile. Her friend truly was amazing.

Now there was nothing standing in their way.

"Look, I can give her only five minutes, so tell her to make it quick or she's on her own and..." There was a break, "are you sure you can trust her?" Lisa's voice changed and Minji could hear the concern in it.

Minji turned her look. Hanni was on the ground, assembling their snipers riffles. The woman seemed to be so focused on her work, the early sunlight painted Hanni's face and the morning wind blew her hair smoothly.

For a second, Minji forgot everything. She forgot the mission, she forgot the person on the phone. She just couldn't get her eyes off of the beautiful sight.

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