The First Rays Of The Sun

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The early sun rays painted the bedroom with beautiful orange and light pink shade. Minji yawned and rubbed her eyes gently, still sleepy. Her hand reached forward and tested the other side of the bed, looking for a warm body to hug, but the soft sheets were the only thing she could find. 

She snapped her eyes open and sat up on the bed, hurriedly. Her eyes were staring at the empty sheets next to her. Why wasn't Hanni there? She turned her head, scanning the bedroom. Even Hanni's stuff were gone. 

Minji furrowed her brows, was this a bad dream? 

Quietly, she shoved the blanket aside and got up from the bed, heading to the living room. The room was quiet and quickly, Minji realized that she was alone in the apartment. Even Hanni's shoes and jacket were gone. 

Minji stood still, near the kitchen area and looked around the empty room. Damn it! Did I scare her off?

She pinched her nose bridge, feeling a sudden frustration. 

Why the hell did I act so childishly in front of her?  Crying and whining like some baby, ugh!! 

Minji wanted to slam her head on the counter. The shards of glass were still all around the floor and the liquid was shining in the morning light. Just looking at it made all the anger and overwhelming feeling return. Minji gritted her teeth, remembering the events from last night. There was no way she would cry again because of that bitch.

She swallowed. 

But maybe... just maybe because of Hanni. She would never forgive herself if Hanni had left for good this time. 

Right then, there was the sound of keys turning in the lock and the front door opened. Startled, Minji straightened up and turned towards the door. She watched as a very familiar short woman stepped inside and started taking her shoes off. Hanni stopped her movement as she realized that someone was standing in the kitchen area.

Silence filled the apartment. 

The sunlight painted Hanni's face with golden colors and her beautiful chocolate eyes were almost sparkling. Her shiny hair was a shade of brown and her rosy skin looking nearly too soft to touch. She was so breathtakingly beautiful in the sunlight that for a moment, Minji was mesmerized. How could anything be so heavenly? 

She blinked her eyes and cleared her throat, "I thought you..."

"Left?" Hanni guessed, "I thought we're past that part," she chuckled cutely. 

Immediately, Minji shut her mouth. She realized how stupid she had sounded just now and she averted her gaze, embarrassed. "I'm sorry, I just–" thought you left me.

Just like Lisa.

Minji kept the words to herself. She hated how vulnerable she looked in front of the Vietnamese. This was not how people were supposed to see her but somehow Hanni had gotten through her walls. Just the thought of Hanni leaving had gotten her so...

There were a few quick steps and before Minji could react, she felt arms wrapped around her waist. She gasped and looked down, seeing Hanni hugging her tight. The woman buried her face in Minji's chest and tightened her grip. 

"I don't want to hide anymore. I want to stay," she whispered, "with you."

Minji could swear her heart made a back flip. Her emotions started piling up and she closed her eyes, holding back her sudden tears. She leaned her forehead on Hanni's and embraced the hug, sighing, as Hanni's calming scent surrounded her. Not in a while had she felt so at peace. 

"Let's talk, okay? Let's talk about what this is and what it is not," Minji whispered softly, breathing in the strawberry perfume. She could only hear a little murmur from Hanni but she knew the woman had agreed.

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