Bad Weather

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It was a rainy day. Rosé sat behind her desk, leaning her forehead on her hand. She was intensely staring at the documents on her desk. They had been there for a while, but she just couldn't get herself to read them. Something else had completely taken over her mind. 

Frustrated, she rubbed her face and tapped her index finger on the desk. But instead of the desk, she felt something else under the tip of her finger. Slowly, her eyes moved to look at the yellow folder on the side. Her attention was now fully drawn on the folder. Carefully, she slid it open with her hand and spread the papers on the desk. 

She was looking at pictures of a beautiful, korean woman with long, straight hair and oddly handsome face. The pictures were CCTV footage of the woman in shops as well as in various hotels around Korea. Rosé's gaze fell on the name that was written on the top corner of the folder, with a messy handwriting.

Kim Minji.

Rosé scoffed in annoyance. How can one person cause such a trouble?

The doors to the office opened. Confused, Rosé turned her head. She was not expecting any visitors today. 

Jisoo walked in, carrying a few documents in her hands. She was wearing a stylish office outfit with fitting high heels, and the sound of her footsteps echoed in the empty office as she walked closer.

Rosé furrowed her brows.

"Oh dear," Jisoo noticed Rosé's displeased face, "Cheer up, I have good news for you," she dropped the documents on the desk.

Rosé glanced at them, lazily. She then stood up from the chair, heading to the windows.

"You might want to check those," Jisoo pointed out, "It's her plane tickets from the past few months."

The rain pounded on the window, and Rosé turned her gaze down to the streets before the headquarters. 

"Do you know what bugs me the most?" She asked, as her eyes followed the small looking people walking on the streets. 

"The bad weather?" She heard Jisoo's guess. The woman was cleaning some papers on her desk. 

Rosé scoffed. "No matter what we do, the sniper is always one step ahead of us and I can't figure out how."

Jisoo finished organizing Rosé's desk and glanced at the folder that's content was spread all over the desk. "You're so invested in this case but I don't really see her as much of a threat," she said calmly. 

"She has already meddled into our business, twice. That's enough reason for me to step in. And I'm sure I speak for both of us, when I say that I don't want the events from two years ago to repeat themselves." 

Jisoo turned to her friend, "But Hyein has brought the company great glory. It was the right choice to chase her down back then and offer this job. After all, she's an excellent sniper, wouldn't you agree?"

"Yes, excellent at failing for sure," Rosé rolled her eyes, irritated. She still couldn't believe what kind of disappointment the young sniper had turned out to be. Last night's events were unheard of.

"Aren't you being a little too harsh, Rosie? You know their work is nerve cracking," Jisoo said sweetly, "and before the case yesterday, Miss Lee's record was top notch."

"Maybe so," Rosé turned around, hands in her suit pockets, "But she still deserves a proper punishment." She returned behind her desk, and sat down, opening the documents Jisoo had brought. The secretary stepped next to her.

"No wonder we didn't catch her in Spain," Rosé said, her eyes reading the text, "she used an alternate flight and didn't even land in Seoul," she tossed the documents aside and rubbed her face. 

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