Storm On The Rise

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Hanni. Hanni. Hanni.

Minji rolled the barrel of the snipe rifle she was holding until a small click sound was heard. She stared at the weapon in her hands for a while before placing it on the living room table in front of her and picking up the polishing liquid. Carefully, she poured a little onto a small towel and inhaled the toxic smell.

She hated to admit it, but this was the only thing that kept her sane. Assembling her sniper rifles had been the only thing she had been doing for the past few days- or weeks. She didn't remember. It gave her something to think about, something to distract her thoughts. She had been laying in bed for so long, but finally the wound was getting better and she was allowed to move around.

Minji picked up the rifle again and started cleaning it.

"You're at it again?"

Startled by the voice, Minji turned her head towards the kitchen area. Lisa had walked into the apartment and was now pouring a glass of water for herself. Minji gave her friend a small smile, she had been so lost in her thoughts that she hadn't even heard the door opening and closing. Her apartment was big but the lobby, the kitchen and the living room were all connected.

"I'm just preparing for the next mission," Minji replied, before focusing on the sniper again.

"You've been preparing ever since you were healthy enough to stand on your own. Don't you think you're overdoing it? I'm worried about your health," she heard Lisa's voice, "You should be resting."

Minji ignored her friend and poured more polishing liquid onto the towel. A part of her wished she could drown in the toxic smell of the liquid and forget everything, forget her.

Sadly, she could not tell Lisa what was going on inside her head. Every time they had talked about the... events, Lisa was enraged. And it was only right. She was right. Minji should have forgotten it by now.

But she hadn't.

She hadn't forgotten about her. Minji's grip on the towel tightened. She could hear steps approaching the table, "At least take a break, will you?" Lisa placed a glass of water on the table.

Minji glanced at the glass, then up at her friend. The brunette was looking at her, her eyes full of sympathy. Slowly, Minji sighed. She put the rifle and the towel back on the table and took the glass. "Thanks," she drank the water.

Lisa turned around and returned to the kitchen. "Have you eaten? It's quite late but I can make you something."

Minji barely heard. She was back at cleaning the sniper rifle. She didn't like unfinished projects, or rather she didn't want to use her time thinking about useless things.

She was grateful for her friend though. Lisa had been showing up almost daily at her apartment. She often stayed the night to make sure Minji was alright and nothing happened during the night. She had been nothing but sweet and caring, how could Minji ever repay her? Not to mention she had bought this apartment for her as well.

"Minji? Are you even listening? Oh my gosh! What did I say about the break?!"

Minji clenched her jaw. Like she said, she was grateful for Lisa and her help. But sometimes her friend was too much, especially since Minji couldn't open up about the thoughts that were slowly drowning her. Keeping them all inside was suffocating and it was the reason she was so focused on the weapon maintenance.

"You should get some fresh air, you've been doing that since the morning," Lisa kept going, "Have you even taken your meds??"

Minji slammed the polishing liquid on the table and stood up. She walked past Lisa, who was standing in the kitchen, following her moves. Minji walked into the lobby and grabbed her jacket that was hanging on the coat rack.

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