Lies And Broken Promises

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Hanni stood up from her seat as the door of the hospital room opened. 

"How is she?"

The nurse closed the door behind her and turned to Hanni, "After a few weeks of rest and medication, Miss Kim is expected to have a full recovery," she smiled, gently.

"So, she is going to be alright?" Hanni gripped the hem of her shirt. She was almost holding her breath.

"Yes," the nurse nodded, "It's all thanks to your quick action, Miss. She is resting if you wish to see her."

"Thank you so much," Hanni bowed to the nurse before turning around. She walked to the door and carefully pushed it open, stepping into the room. 

The room was dimly lit and the windows were covered with curtains. The smell of the hospital was everywhere and a steady peep sound was heard as she walked further into the room. The atmosphere was rather thick and Hanni couldn't push aside the weird feeling in her stomach. 

She was anxious. 

Soon, her gaze fell on a bed near one of the windows. Immediately, she felt her heartbeat increasing. There was a person laying on it. 

Carefully, she approached the bed, keeping her eyes on the figure. She already knew what was waiting for her, but a part of her didn't want to witness it again.

She was scared.

Finally, she held her steps at the bed and glanced at the woman laying on it. Minji was breathing evenly, her chest rising and closing, but her face looked pale. Her eyes were closed and Hanni couldn't tell whether she was asleep or not.

As quietly as possible, Hanni took the seat next to the bed. She had completely lost track of time. Whether she had been at the hospital for an hour, two or five? She didn't know. All she had been able to think about was Minji. She had been scared. So scared for the woman. So scared she could never look into her eyes again, or hear her voice or see her smile...

But now Minji was laying in front of her, breathing. Words could not describe the relief Hanni felt inside. All the anxiousness and concern, all the terrifying thoughts that had been running through her head for hours and hours... finally, she felt at peace. 

Gently, Hanni grasped Minji's fingers. She couldn't even begin to think what would have happened if... suddenly, the pictures from the morning flashed through her head. The smell of blood taking over all her senses and the sigh of Minji laying on the floor covered in-

Quickly, Hanni clenched her jaw, as the same, overwhelming feeling returned. The air was running out and she felt her breath quickening. Just when she was about to stand up, she felt the fingers moving against hers.

Hanni's eyes widened.

"You really should stop saving me, Pham, it's getting embarrassing."

Hanni could only stare as Minji opened her eyes. There was a careful smile on the woman's face as she looked at Hanni. Minji's brown eyes were a little blurry but Hanni could still spot the same twinkle she had always seen in them. This was the person she knew.

All of a sudden, she felt emotional.

"Minji..." She whispered weakly, as her tears almost fell. "I-" but she couldn't finish her sentence.

Minji groaned in sudden pain.

Hanni gasped, startled and hurriedly stood up from the chair. "A-are you hurting?? I'll go get the nurse!" She spun around, intending to leave the room but froze still as she felt Minji grabbing her hand and pulling her back.

"No! Wait."

Confused, Hanni turned her head. Minji sat up on the bed and looked at her, having an unreadable look in her eyes. 

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