We Had A Deal

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Hanni stirred her milk coffee that had just been served. It was a beautiful and very peaceful morning in Korea, the sun was shining to the outdoor terrace of the café where she was sitting. It was not often that she left her home early in the morning on her days off, but today was different.

Hanni glanced at the person sitting opposite her. Despite the pretty weather, Hyein looked anything but happy. The tall woman had dressed up as usual, but even though she was wearing an oddly thick makeup today, Hanni could spot the dark circles under her eyes. It was as if she hadn't slept at all. Carefully, Hanni put the spoon on the table.

"Hyein... are you sure you're alright?" 

Hyein only muttered something in response. She seemed to be much more interested in the barley tea in front of her. Hanni furrowed her brows. If the woman was tired, why ask Hanni to go out early in the first place? They could have gone later. And on top of that, she was sure her friend was leaving something out.

Hanni sighed. Hyein and she were very close, maybe Hyein just didn't feel like talking about it right now. Maybe she just wanted to relax for a moment. 

The big, cotton clouds in the sky caught Hanni's attention. "It's such a pretty day, don't you think?" She tried to change the topic.

Abruptly, Hyein slammed her hands on the table. Hanni flinched, startled and turned her astounded look at the brunette. "Just quit the chitchat already! Ugh!" Hyein held her forehead, annoyed.

Hanni stared at her friend, shocked. What was going on with her?

Hyein sighed in frustration and looked up, having an unreadable expression on her face. "Can't you just tell me what really happened in Spain?"

"W-what?" Hanni was bewildered.

"Are you sure you're not hiding something?" Hyein narrowed her eyes. 

"I've already told you. The same intruder locked me up and as I was escaping I lost my phone," Hanni kept her voice low. The outdoor terrace was actually empty, but talking about their missions in public was never a good idea. "Hyein.. did something happen? Why are you asking this?"

Hanni was being honest with her. Well, she was, but she just left out the fact that she had run into Minji here in Korea and let her to her apartment. She was well aware that her company wanted the woman and she had no reason to protect her. If Hanni could, she'd lead the company right to the woman but she had no real information about her. Just a name.

Hyein only stared at Hanni without saying a word, then she stood up, shaking her head. "I need to get a stronger drink." Hyein took her purse and walked inside the cafe, leaving Hanni alone at the table.

Something was definitely wrong, Hanni could feel it. Swiftly, she took her phone and opened her messages. Unfortunately, her company hadn't given her a new phone yet, it had something to do with the protocol. Instead, Hanni was using her personal phone for now. 

Losing something as valuable as the company's phone was a big kickback, not only to her career but to the whole KSA. Of course, once Hanni had contacted the headquarters, they had started the safety protocol in order to prevent someone getting information out of the phone. It already had a very complex and multilevel security system, but if one was talented enough, the phone could be hacked. 

Hanni didn't know what was going on since the company had pretty much shut her out from any information regarding to her mission. It was clear that they were investigating it and she understood they had to be careful, but surely they didn't doubt Hanni's loyalty, right?

Eyes still locked on the screen, Hanni heard as Hyein came back and sat on her seat, opposite her. 

"Oh, you were fast," Hanni raised her brows, surprised.

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