Miss Park's Request

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Lisa put a huge paper roll on the table and unrolled it. They had gathered in a small room that seemed like an office, though an unprofessional one. There was a long table in the middle, a few chairs around it and in front of the windows, there was a long, white work desk with a laptop and a tablet on it. A sofa and a green plant were laying in the right corner of the room.

Hanni took a step closer to look at the blue paper.

"This is the floorplan of the building," Lisa crossed her arms and glared down at the Vietnamese who was now observing the print.

Hanni's eyes scanned the white lines until they stopped at the huge white title, 'GL electronics HQ floorplan'.

She looked up, shocked.

"This? Our target works for this company?"

Lisa scoffed, "So Minji didn't tell you? Your target is the chairman of GL electronics."

Hanni fell silent. A cold sweat started appearing on her forehead as she began to understand why Minji had asked for her help. GL electronics... she bit her lip, nervously. She had heard rumors of the untouchable company.

Didn't they say that the chairman is like a ghost? How do we eliminate someone who's not even there?

Lisa noticed the doubtful expression on Hanni's face. She narrowed her eyes, "You aren't backing off now, are you?"

Hanni flinched as she noticed how the brunette stepped closer. She had to raise her head to look into the scary, brown eyes, that were glowing threateningly.

"Minji is a fool for trusting you. But I assure you, if I even for a second doubt, that you're not on our side, I won't hesitate to-"

Her words were left in the air as the door opened.

Minji walked into the room. She furrowed her brows when she saw the two women standing close, staring into each others' eyes.

"What's going on?" She walked closer and gave Lisa an angry glare. "Hey," she pushed the brunette further from Hanni, "I told you to be nice to her!"

Lisa stumbled a few steps back and turned her eyes away from the Vietnamese. She faced Minji who was now standing between her and Hanni.

Immediately, Lisa stiffened, her face filled with anger. "I don't trust her and neither should you," she hissed, making sure that Hanni would hear it.

"You like her or not, we're a team now so you better get used to it," Minji snapped, irritated by the unnecessary fuss her friend was causing.

But instead of backing off, Lisa didn't move and for a moment, the women stared at each other silently.

"We talked about this," Minji spoke in a low voice, making sure that the Vietnamese behind her didn't hear the words this time. She waited for a reply, but Lisa stayed silent, glaring at Minji with a very displeased look on her face.

Hanni barely dared to breathe. The ice was paper thin, and at any moment, it could break and shatter into a million pieces.

The silence was almost unbearable.

After what felt like forever, the brunette finally backed off, giving Hanni one last disapproving look before turning around and walking to the work desk in front of the windows.

Minji sighed and ran fingers through her hair. Couldn't this get any worse? She then turned to the table in the middle, ignoring Hanni completely. "Alright, we better get started. The mission will take place next week and we got a lot to do."

Hanni was still standing in the same place, stunned. She tried to bury the uncomfortable feeling growing inside her. The situation had calmed down, but for how long would that last?

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