I'm Not Interested In Her

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Hanni opened the door to her apartment. She lived on the second floor of an apartment block, almost right in the middle of the city. She never bothered to buy a real house because her job was very unpredictable. One day she could be right in the centre of Seoul and the next day she'd pack her bags and spend a week or two on the other side of the country. That's just how her life worked.

Her apartment was small but it contained all the necessary equipment: top level security, secret storages and an emergency exit. No one, not even her neighbours knew about it. And now she had brought someone her company wanted right into the bear's den.

Minji eyes scanned the lobby as they stepped in. Her eyes widened in surprise. All around was laying shoes, clothes and other stuff.

"Woah this is not what I expected," she laughed while holding on to Hanni. "You're even messier than me!"

Hanni rolled her eyes. Of course it was messy here. Her packing was in the middle of progress! They took their shoes off and Minji raised the bag she had been carrying for Hanni.

"Where do I put this?"

"Just leave it on the counter next to the front door," Hanni pointed at the small wooden counter that already had some stuff on it. She then, as carefully as possible, started walking— or jumping, to the living room on the right. She was avoiding putting any weight on her sore knee.

Hanni fell on the couch. Suddenly she felt exhausted. The pain was all over her face and she could see how the blood had spread on her clothes. She let out a small sigh. She just wanted to sleep.

Not long after, Minji walked into the room, holding a what looked like pile of towels. "Take this," she extended her hand as she reached the couch. Hanni sat up. "What's that?"

"It has ice inside it. I took it from your freezer, I hope you don't mind. If you press it on your eye and cheek, it should alleviate bruising," she smiled apologetically.

Hanni couldn't help but stare at the woman. They barely even knew each other and were most likely rivals. Why was she so kind to her?

When Hanni didn't say anything, Minji sat down next to her. "Or I can do it for you." She then leaned closer and gently pressed the towel packet on Hanni's swollen face. The sudden movement and coldness made Hanni flinch. Her heart started pounding out of nervousness. It was all just too weird.

"Hold this, I'll get you something for that wound," Minji suddenly stood up.

Feeling a bit uncomfortable, Hanni took the towel packet from the woman. "How can you be at ease? You must know my company is trying to look into you since you interrupted my mission yesterday."

Minji turned around and locked eyes with the Vietnamese girl. "You could have told them I'm here now but you didn't."

"That's because I didn't have my phone."

"So are you going to?"

Hanni hesitated.

"I can assure you, I am no threat to your company," Minji smiled and turned on her heels, heading to the lobby.

"Who do you work for?" Hanni didn't know whether she was trying to dig information for her company or to feed her curiosity. This woman was a mystery.

Minji let out a laugh, she then looked back at the couch. "Pretty personal question considering I don't even know your name. Are you going to tell me or not?"

Hanni remained silent.

"Alright," Minji shrugged her shoulders and walked into the lobby.

Hanni felt a bit bad. The woman was being kind to her, but still, her name was not something she needed to-

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