Bodyguard Marsh

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Hi luvs~
Unfortunately, I have to inform you that my studies have begun yet again which means I no longer have all day time to sit outside and write the fanfic (as much as I'd love to) so the upcoming updating schedule may be slow.. sigh

I'm also trying to make every chapter interesting and at the same write a plot that actually makes sense pffft, lately I've had trouble with that...

Anyway I'm truly excited to write because there's coming soooooo many crazy things very soon (at least hopefully aHem) so stick around!! Now to the chapter~



Minji stared down at the street, trying to spot any kind of movement. It was already night and dark clouds covered the sky, making it hard to see further to the city. Minji clenched her jaw as her grip on the hotel room window tightened. She was furious. She had totally underestimated the Vietnamese, and now the woman had escaped.

What the hell do I do now?!

Finally, Minji backed from the window and pulled her phone out of her suit pocket. Quickly, she tapped a very familiar number and called it. It should already be morning in Korea.

A moment later, the call was picked."Hey Minji, do you have any idea what time is it?" Lisa's annoyed, sleepy voice snapped.

"She escaped," Minji was still keeping her eyes on the street.

"What? Who?"

Minji let out a long, frustrated sigh, "The Vietnamese woman escaped. She showed her dumb face here and now she's gone!"

"Wait, wait, wait. Why do you care if she's gone? She won't ruin your mission now."


Then a long sigh could be heard from the other side of the phone.

"What have you done?"

Minji had a hard time holding back her rage. Nothing was going as she had planned. She turned her back to the window and held her forehead. "I may... I may have tied her up and locked her in a hotel room," Minji growled.

"You did WHAT?! Woman, are you crazy!?"

"Oh my gosh, calm down Lisa!! She was getting on my way again! I had to do something!" Minji swung her hand around as if Lisa could have seen it. "Her escape was not a part of the plan. I need to find her. Can you hack into this hotel's and streets' security cameras?"

"All the way from Korea? Don't be ridiculous. Besides, who said I'm going to help you clean up your mess?" Lisa's voice asked, clearly annoyed.

"Please, Lisa. This is bad, very bad. And I don't have the time to run around aimlessly in the middle of the night," Minji walked back to the window again. She could swear she heard police car siren in the distance.

"Alright, alright, calm down. How long was she alone in the room?"

"Maybe thirty to fourty minutes," Minji replied, biting her lip in frustration. "If she escaped right after I left, she must be far by now."

"Not only that, she must have reported to her company. Minji, where are you? You should go, and I mean now," concern could be heard in Lisa's voice.

Minji gritted her teeth. It was indeed possible that that annoying woman had leaked information about Minji's whereabouts to her company, there was no doubt about it. It could possibly jeopardise her whole mission in Spain. Minji still had one gig to do, but if she got a powerful company breathing down her neck, staying in Spain was not safe. She should leave. But if Hanni was stupid enough, Minji could still stop her from doing that.

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