She's With Me

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The driver opened the limousine door for Hanni. With a small, white purse in her hands, Hanni stepped out and smiled quickly at the driver as a thank you. Her gaze turned to the huge, white building in front of her, the hotel, where tonight's party took place.

Hanni had arrived in Spain two days ago and after the needed preparation, she was ready to start the mission. Tonight's private party was hosted by a rich Spanish influencer and according to Hanni's source, her target was one of the guests.

This time, Hanni had dressed for the occasion.

She was wearing a white, simple dress that was halfway up her thighs. It had a black, ruffle edge on top and black, thin strings. Two, big earrings were hanging on her ears and on her neck she had matching necklaces. Her fingers were decorated with different kinds of rings and on her feet, she had black high heels.

Her mission tonight was just to observe the target and possibly get close to him in order to place a tracker. It would be an easy case, at least, that's what she hoped.

Hanni walked to the main doors. Quickly, two, big men blocked her way. Both were wearing dark suits and sunglasses covered their eyes. They didn't look welcoming at all.

"Name and ID," one of them demanded.

Hanni nodded and opened her purse, taking out a small card. "Hanni Pham," she said, extending the ID card to the other man.

He observed the ID for a while and scrolled through a mini iPad in his hand. After what felt like forever, he finally returned the card to Hanni and both of them stepped aside, gesturing her to go inside. Hanni put the ID back to her purse and walked past the guards. Beautiful, glass doors opened in front of her and she stepped into the building.

The place was crowded. Everywhere around her there were different kinds of people, all dressed in their best. The sound of laughter and chitchat filled up the room as Hanni stood at the door, observing the environment.

Hanni sighed internally. She had never felt comfortable in big parties. Determined, she stepped into the crowd.

The room was a luxurious dining hall, or that's what it looked like. Golden poles were circling the hall and a couple of people were dancing in the middle. On the right side, there were groups gathered around fancy tables, sofas and arm chairs.

Hanni's eyes scanned the room as she walked through the crowd. No sign of her target yet.

She turned her look to the left side of the hall and noticed a small bar counter. Her eyes fell on a black haired man, who was sitting his back to the crowd.

Hanni stopped. Even though she couldn't see his face, she was sure of it. That was the man she was after.

Quickly, Hanni changed direction and started making her path through the crowd to the bar counter. However, before she reached there, her eyes locked with another man that was sitting right next to her target.

The man was staring right at Hanni, a small glass on his hand. Then he placed it on the table and stood up.

Hanni furrowed her brows, holding her steps. The man started walking towards her.

Hanni froze. Was this man coming for her? As she kept guessing, the man got closer, his cold, unfriendly eyes drilled in Hanni. Something told her, that this man wasn't looking for a chitchat company.

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