You Stole My Kill

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The next day Hanni was called to the headquarters. It was a tall building in the middle of the city. The company had been hiding inside it for years, covering up their work with connections and money. Their work was top secret, and that's the way it should stay.

It wasn't hard to guess why Hanni had been called. It must have something to do with yesterday's event. Even though the evening hadn't go as planned, the target had died. Still, Hanni wasn't sure if that was enough to convince her boss.

Nervously, Hanni entered a waiting room. It was a small room with two sofas on the sides and a long, red carpet in the middle. The large, wooden doors in front of her were closed. She had only been here a few times: once when she was hired and the other time when she was personally rewarded for her good work.

It wasn't a secret that Hanni was one of the most talented sniper the company had. Her dad had taught her the basic shooting skills when she was little, then they'd take trips to the shooting gallery and later when her dad had passed away, Hanni had made shooting her hobby. If only she knew she'd be doing it for living later on.

Hanni took a breath and knocked on the wooden door. A moment later, the large doors opened and she stepped into a classy room. The room was like any luxury apartment: big, comfy and beautifully decorated. The windows were from the floor to the roof top and they gave a perfect view to the city below. There was a sofa with a few pillows and a small glass table next to it. At the end of the room was laying a work desk, with papers, computer and other stuff on it. A small name mark was on the right corner, "R. Park".

Hanni walked further into the room. Her boss was standing at the window close to the desk, her back to Hanni and gaze on the city view. When approaching footsteps were heard, she turned around.

Hanni's boss was a beautiful, 26 y.o woman with blonde hair and dark eyes. She was the CEO of the company and was known for her discipline and ambitiousness, however, she was never rude to her employees.

Their job was nerve cracking and sometimes mentally challenging so she understood that having a good environment was needed in order for everything to work.

Still, when it came to their missions, she wouldn't hold back.

"Pham. I've been expecting you, come in," she gestured at the desk, walked behind it and sat on the chair.

Hanni walked closer and bowed 90 decrees.

"Miss. You wanted to see me?"

"Yes. Look Pham," she adjusted the coffee cup on her table, "you are one of our top snipers here in KSA, you know that?" Her expression was blank, but Hanni could hear the impatience in her tone.

"Yes, Miss?" Hanni was confused.

"So, how do you explain your failure yesterday?" The blonde woman raised her look from the coffee cup and drilled her cold eyes into the Vietnamese woman in front of her.

Hanni stiffened.

"I-I apologize for my inconvenience, but my mission was interrupted," she held back her words, nervously, "there was someone else."

Carefully, Hanni faced her boss' look. The blonde woman leaned onward and crossed her arms, leaning them on the table.

"Someone else? Who?"

"I don't know," Hanni replied immediately, "I had never seen her before. She was disguised as one of the musicians and hid a XX7 inside an instrument case, I believe. However, she wasn't there to stop me, we had the same target, which is dead now, Miss."

Miss Park rubbed her face and let out a long sigh. "A XX7 you say?" She mumbled as if to herself. She then rolled her chair to the left corner of the desk and pressed a small button. "Jennie, could you please tell my secretary to come to my office?"

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