It's Never Going To Work

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Minji yawned and stretched her arms. She had slept surprisingly well in Hanni's living room. It wasn't the most comfortable place since the coach she had slept on was a little bit too small for a tall woman like Minji, but Hanni had been kind enough to give her a warm blanket and a pillow.

Staying over the night had not been Minji's plan, but by the time they had finished treating the wound, it had been almost midnight and the rain outside wasn't exactly calling. Minji had driven to the neighborhood but her car was parked a couple of blocks away so she would have got wet, again...

After a little spicy debate, Hanni had agreed to let Minji stay the night. Well, Minji had had a feeling that Hanni would have let her stay anyway, the woman didn't have the heart to kick Minji out in the middle of the night but she also didn't want to seem too easy, which was kind of cute.

Minji smirked at the thought. Who would have thought that she would spend the night at her enemy's apartment. But moreover, she was clearly starting to earn the Vietnamese's trust, and it was exactly what she was after.

Minji stood up and headed to the kitchen. There were already noises coming from the room even though it was early in the morning.

She walked through the lobby and stopped at the doorway, as her eyes fell on the short woman, who had her back to the door. Hanni seemed to be focused on something and she hadn't even heard as Minji had entered the kitchen.

Minji leaned against the doorway, crossing her arms. She held back her chuckles, I wonder how long it'll take from her to notice me.

After a while, Hanni turned around, holding a book on her hands. The woman was wearing a short, black T-shirt and oversized, gray pants. She looked like she had just taken the first thing that she happened to find from her closet, yet still, somehow it looked very good on her.

Hanni was about to put the cookbook on the dining table in front of her, when her eyes caught a figure leaning against the doorway. She gasped and almost dropped the book. "H-how long have you been standing there?"

"Long enough to see you struggle with that," Minji smirked.

"But I did not-" Hanni began, confused.

"Anyway, are you making breakfast for me, Pham? How thoughtful of you," Minji pushed herself up and walked deeper into the kitchen. She glanced at Hanni and immediately, a satisfied smile covered her face. The woman's expression was, yet again, priceless.

Hanni sighed, frustrated. It was too early for this. She would just let it slide this time. "Sit down, I'm gonna make breakfast for us," she said as she placed the cookbook on the table. She then turned around to take the needed ingredients.

Minji smiled and sat on one of the chairs, keeping her eyes on the woman who was now standing on her tip toes, trying to reach out to one of the shelves of the cabinet she had opened. Minji chuckled, leaning her head on her hand.

"You want me to help you?" She asked as she watched how Hanni was clearly struggling.

"No I'm- thank you," Hanni looked briefly over her shoulder, but as she did, she accidentally pulled a bag of rice from the shelf and it fell on the table, spreading rice all over.

Hanni flinched and jumped back a little. Damn it!

"Woah I think you need my help, definitely!" Came Minji's voice.

Then Hanni heard how Minji stood up from her chair and soon she felt a person standing right behind her. Minji reached her hand over Hanni and the small woman had no choice but to lean against the kitchen counter. She was stuck in between the counter and the person behind her. "Ugh, Minji!" She growled. Why did Minji have to do it the hard way?

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