Careless Bodyguard

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Lisa pressed the gas pedal of the black Audi. She was well aware that she was speeding, almost 180 kilometers an hour, but right now the only thing she cared about was to get to Minji's apartment– and fast. She glanced to her right, at the passenger seat where a woman was sitting, her head down. Minji was barely conscious. 

Lisa's heart jumped to her throat. "Minji!" She shook the Korean with her free hand, "Stay awake!"

Her grip on the wheel tightened as she felt the anxiousness inside her rising. How did they even end up here?

Just an hour ago, around two in the morning, Lisa had received a call from Minji. At first everything seemed normal but the moment she heard Minji's voice, she knew something was off. 

Minji had told Lisa to get to her apartment, but right after she had begun to sound unclear and she kept repeating some words, as if she was confused. But when she had dropped the phone and apologized for that, Lisa had told her to stay still, she would pick her up. Luckily, Minji hadn't said anything to that, she had just sent her location and ended the call.

Once Lisa had arrived at the location by Uber, she had found Minji's car parked on the side of a long forest path, with Minji inside. The woman had been anything but in a condition to drive and as Lisa had started driving towards the city, she had begun to realize the seriousness of the situation. It was only a hunch but deep down Lisa was scared to know the truth.

"Minji, what happened? What is this all about?" She asked again in a shocked voice as she turned the car onto a familiar road towards the city center. She could see Minji moving a little next to her. 

"I was given a drink," Minji muttered, while holding her head.

A cold shiver ran through Lisa's back as her fear was confirmed. "What kind of drink?" She asked, waiting for an answer, but there were none. She turned her head to the side. Minji had closed her eyes.

"Minji!!" Lisa exclaimed, making the woman snap out of her trance.

"Damn it! I am awake okay!?" The Korean snapped weakly, letting out some swear words, "I thought the effect is only temp- temporary,  ugh, why is it coming back a-again?"

"You were drugged, you idiot! Of course the effect is long lasting!!" Lisa hissed angrily, "And you thought about driving home yourself!" She turned the car off the main road and drove into the parking garage of the apartment building, "How much did you drink??" She tried to keep the conversation going so Minji wouldn't fall asleep. 

"I don't... mnmaybe two or three..."

"Two or three what?!" Lisa parked the car on its spot and turned off the engine. Minji didn't reply so she tore off her seat belt in a hurry, "Nevermind, let's get you into your apartment first." 

She stood up from the car and ran around it, opening the door on Minji's side. The woman's head had dropped to the side and Lisa had to undo her seat belt herself. Carefully, she pulled Minji up and let her lean on her. 

"Come on," she closed the door and locked the car with the hand that wasn't holding Minji, "The elevator isn't far, hang in there."

As if by miracle, they managed to reach the elevator and soon they were on the top floor, in front of Minji's door. Lisa had a hard time holding the half unconscious person and trying to open the door with the key she had found from Minji's car. Finally the lock turned and they stumbled into the dark lobby. 

"Hang on," Lisa helped Minji to walk through the lobby and lie on the sofa, "I'll get you water." She turned around, put some lights on and rushed into the kitchen. She opened the cabinet where Minji kept her glasses and took one out, starting to fill it with cold water. She wasn't sure how much Minji had drunk but if it was a lot, the woman should be treated and quickly. 

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